Part of the
A Form of Love Memorial Album. In addition to being produced with the recipe/skill as shown above, you can apparently also collect this food (along with all other types of pet food) with a Pet as long as you've both acquired the
Pet Training skill and your chosen pet has the appropriate Pet Skill(s); I prefer Area Search (Land) paired with Collection/Procurement, but others including Area Search (Sea) and Additional Discovery or Pet Plunder (Land and/or Sea) likely have chances to succeed as well.
Note that it's more efficient to produce this item yourself as:
1. Pets only find items at a rate of x1 a unit at a time
2. Pets do not find items every single time; their skill(s) trigger at a somewhat random rate
3. The item acquired by Pets is randomly chosen from up to four possible items of varying rarities
Clearly this route is not good for mass-farming pet food to either feed to hungry pets, or to sell to other players in bulk. Still, if you want to try gathering this MA food another way for any reason it's nice to know that the option does exist. I'm not sure about ocean search zones, but according to a JP blog you can find this particular food item using a Pet with Area Search (Land) skill at the following landing points:
· Atlantic Ocean Central West Coast
· Nagasaki North
· Japanese Archipelago Southeast Coast / Omi
Hope that helps. Cheers.