Duck with Sauce Madame
A cooked dish consisting of
roasted duck meat stuffed with
herbs and fruits.
Fatigue/Vigour Recovery: +90
Medieval Court Cuisine Collection

Cooking Roast Duck

Method of cooking duck stuffed
with herbs and fruits.
Obtained Info
Book for Chefs(Quest) ID=99990637
This comes from new Rank 18 Cooking recipe in Order of the Prince Chapter 1.5 but idk where to get the recipe (but we will see it really soon). Would assume it's from new recipe book that isn't on ivyro list yet.
Requires 1x Duck Meat + 1x Wine + 1x Sage (is obtainable now from this update) 90+ fleet vigour foods.
Since I'm passing through.... Looks to be a recipe from this book:
Medieval Court Cuisine Collection ("Medieval court dishes")
Which in turn is a reward from future quests:
Good find. Cheers.
hey thanks Guilder! so it's whole new recipe book.. i should definitely worth to check this book once the update comes
Correction.. The exact name of this food is Duck with Sauce Madame. Requires 1x Duck Meat, 1x Wine, and 1x Sage for 2x of this food. The ingredients are easy to get only Sage that's need to be collected, and this food is fleet vigour food too.
Info about recipe book added on here
Medieval Court Cuisine Collection
and Extra Note, I tried to collect Sage with R7 Collection under Pointed Rock in West Candia and it seems not much to get per hour. Advised to have decent Collection rank with Field Activities 1/2 (Oxford skill)..
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