Canned pickled herring. When
used during Melee Battles, its
strong smell causes the enemy Sailors fatigue.
Art of Production (Basic Storage)

Canning Herring


The method of canning Herring for the
purpose of fermenting and preserving.
Obtained Info
(Town's mans Recipe) Manchester - 통조림 기계
Although this is melee battle item, this funnily comes from r17 Storage and r11 Management recipe "Canned Herring" at Manchester Factory. Needs 20x Herring and 1x Tin Plate to make, but i wonder how effective is this in Melee Battle.. anyone should try it lol
Part of Advanced Products (No. 2) Memorial Album
Omg I can't believe they put this in the game. This is bar none the MOST repugnant foul-smelling "food" on the entire planet.
Go to Youtube and search for Wreckless eating Surstromming and watch that video to see just how debilitating it is to human beings. Not for the faint of heart though lol
Question btw, how big the impact when the opponet's Fatigue is too high in Melee Battle ?
After a bit over 5 years, i have an answer, kinda.
It adds 80 fatigue to the enemy in melee battle. but actualy i dont see why you want that. I used 3 on my alt in a mock battle, after the second fatigue was at 100, if the third had any effect i did not noticed it. Stayed in melee for a couple more rounds, no difference i could see.
Rowed around in battle with 100 Fatigue for a couple minutes, again, no effect.
Also works on NPC, but again, i noticed no effect.
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