Melee battle item.
Causes fire in the enemy fleet.
Shipwright Basics - Casting Book

Make incendiary pots

How to mix incendiary shot from gunpowder etc.
Obtained Info
Antwerp, Groningen, Plymouth, Porto, Barcelona, Genoa, Pisa, Syracuse, etc. - Craft shop

Wen zhi
Is this useful in melee battle? anyone tried

it causes damage to dura in melee. so if you shot someone and their dura is low and you can surive a few rounds of melee you can use these and it will sink the other guy.

quite useful, force opponent to distraction when extinguishing the fire after melee. 2 seconds distraction in battle is enough to result yourself a critical.

These work very very well for gandor fights on those high dura boss ships =) just make sure u got someone to surgery u huehuehue
You can also buy these in Montpellier (800k each), at least during the 15th century, phase 1 period on the world clock.
^15th p3 seems to also work at Montpellier
How much damage do they do per use? And what's the recommended way, use one and bell out of melee, or stay in melee if you can and spam them?
the damage isn't that great, 50-100. I don't know about 'best' use, but sometimes a player who has a very badly damaged ship will melee to keep you from firing on them anymore. You have to gauge how many rounds you think you can survive vs how much dura your opponent has left. If you think the firebombs can finish them off then stay in, otherwise I would play it safe and bell out.
The damage is 10% of the ship durability
Thanks guys, well I was thinking whether firebombs could work against those ghost ships roaming the seas now as part of the egg hunt event, and are immune to melee. They can't, they only seem to cause 10 damage or less and not start a fire. But these ghost ships are quite special in many respects anyway. I sank a ghost admiral with cannons, eventually.
10% ship durability damage per use/per opponent no matter what ship or ship skills equipped. Especially useful for high ranking pvp and/or Ganador boss but pricey to deploy at 800k per with title
Can also plunder from sinop fleet in Black Sea
somehow NPC Regional Pirate Lv 40 and Fallen Colonist Lv 40 drop these a lot in Newfoundland North Coast
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