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Enver you are just as pathetic because you are further continuing the flame war by calling CPC a guy. Why can't it be possible that a girl can achieve what CPC has? You must be a sexist and jealous

what is sexist about it? there are many actual women players on this game who are feared pirates, expert adventurers, successful and very profitable crafters/traders who are every bit as good as any man who plays the game. lets not confuse the issue. you are so desperate to be the white knight you are creating bullshit arguments.
he plays the role well and made a ton of ducats in the process. congrats, i say well played. now lets just move along and stop obsessing on him. both sides are pathetic and i'm sick of reading it every time i come to ivryo

Ming Mei
Sorry Theo I'm just pointing out a huge flaw in your argument. If women are capable of doing things as well as men then the question is simple..
Why can't CPC be a girl? why does this one particular girl have to be a guy according to you where is your FACTUAL basis?

you are right i am a girl and i am going to fuck your brains out my ivryo white knight hero

Mei Hua
Thank you for proving my point in addition to showing you can't offer an intelligent rebuttal without answering the questions posed to you

no woman, not even a complete whore is going to name themselves tastemyjuicebox on a video game. but keep at it buddy i'm sure "she" will fall in love with you eventually and see you for the prince charming hero you really are

keep doing it you are just making people think about who the hell is cpc and making them think that some asshole is antagonizing her so you are creating more idiots who will white knight good job imbecile i dislike her too but im not as stupid as to tell everyone and create more idiots lol

its the internet dude at least 90% of all women on games are guys pretending. so lets all move a long and shut the fuck up about it already. why do you guys insist on ruining such a great website with this constant bullshit?

i don't know rashid , they think this is a place to argue about whatever comes to their heads instead of helping players.

is Spy still so gay as he used to be?

Interesting point Lurencio so anyone who names themselves a flirtatious name is a man very interesting considering I can name at least 10 women who I know personally with flirtatious names including pu$$ysowet and Tata_sweets and LickyLicky. All confirmed women so this proves your logic is flawed. I'm starting to believe that your "facts" may be driven by jealousy or a past argument you have had with CPC.

yes i'm sure there is an actual woman playing this game with the name pussysowet. there is a difference between flirtatious and explicit that you don't seem to understand. but given the list of names of online handles for women you know you obviously spend a lot of time on porn sites watching womens webcams. so no worry dude. i'm sure you can save them too

You seem to make numerous assumptions all false the names provided are from Instagram also they are not porn web girls they are college students also whether they choose a flirtatious name its their business not yours you shouldn't be so quick to judge anyone and make such foolish and baseless assumptions.

Li Yue
ah yes "instagram models" lol. thanks for making my point for me. like i said no real women playing this kind of game is going to name themselves pussysowet or tastemyjuicebox. now a woman who posts provocative selfies on instgram is another story. lmao. i may have assumed wrongly but i wasn't far off.
word of advice dude, none of these women are ever going to love you and you can't save them. try going out and meeting somebody

Again your ignorance shines through I said college students pay attention and whether they were a model or not still a WOMAN which proves you were wrong and make foolish assumptions. Also I don't care for meeting people online in a game or the web which is why I don't care whether someone is male or female so the issue is if you are not interested in them romantically then
Why would is it such an issue for you unless you are romantically interested in CPC?

Why would it be such an issue for you if CPC is a guy or not unless you are romantically interested in CPC?*

are you really so daft?. you obviously don't understand the term instagram model. lots of "college students" are strippers too
but carry on white knight, keep trolling ivryo looking for any ill word of your one true love. hero

Mei Hua
The fact a woman with flirtatious name is still a woman which proves you wrong regardless whethera stripper model escort or whatever you were wrong still..

oh and since you are so incapable of understanding let me spell it out for you. i said no women is going to name herself that on a family game such as this.
you seem to think some woman calling herself pussysowet playing with herself on webcam for money or posting selfies in her undies on instsgram is some sort of proof to counter that.
i wish i knew your ign so i could laugh in you face at how stupid you are

No moron I called you out on a completely stupid assumption next this is NOT a family game as there is drinking, flirting with prostitutes, piracy and the language and topics discussed in world chat is not a children family game but despite that to make a ridiculous claim that every flirtatious name is a man it in itself shows your lack of intelligence. I saw a player named bukkakeman in uwo so tell me nobody would name themselves that in a family game? The only fact is everyone is different and do different things if one female is more confident or likes attention to name themselves something flirtatious proves nnothing and only a complete an utter moron would think its proof.
But one question still hangs over you if you are not a loser trying to score "gamer chicks" why do you care if cpc is a guy unless you were or are still currently interested in CPC ?

Wen zhi
you are in love with a guy pretending to be a chick
you protesting and defending and watching ivryo like a hawk wont change that homo

Thank you for running from my question shows you have no intelligent answer so you run like a coward the fact you avoided it proves you are the one in love with a game toon :) would you care to address the simple question posed to you once again..
If you are not a lonely loser trying to score "gamer chicks" why do you care if cpc is a guy unless you were or are still currently interested in CPC ?

see this is where you are wrong I don't care. not even a little bit. i even go as far as to give credit for playing the role well and making a ton of ducats out of it.
you on the other hand are obsessed with it, can't let it go for a second, like the mere thought of her being a him affects you is a meaningful way.
i find cpc annoying but have no real problem with him. its losers such as yourself i find pathetic. obsessively trolling ivryo protecting her. classic white knight.
as i said no real women would name herself that way in THIS type of game.
so let me ask you why do you care so much? why does it matter you so much?

If you dont care then shut the fuck up no need to say oh its a guy or not..JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP lol :)

are you fucking kidding me??? I come on the site and see the whole home page filled with this shit?? I'm not even going to try to read thru all of it. Pathetic. Take this shit to the game where it belongs and leave it off of here.

oh yeah and what ever "CPC Hate Explained" said , he totally accidentally forgot plenty more reasons to hate cpc

honestly these losers on here going to such lengths to defend her probably cause her more hate then she does herself. some of you guys should take a long look in the mirror.

who ever dont hate cpc need a long look in thier head

I agree with Steward, STFU with this already, how is anyone else suppose to get help with their questions on other stuff if the home page is full of your bickering...
Take it in-game or drop it.
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Truth of the Rumours (No.1) Memorial Album. See details on its page. Stats (as they're buried under all the old spammy comments):
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+1 Recognition
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