Is this recipe only available at national factory? Tried producing at Manchester but was only able to make Le Matte Revolver. I have roughly 10 mil invested if that is important.
It can only be made at YOUR nations industrial port when it's in revolution status at the Blast Furnace.
Many Thanks.
This weapon is part of the
New Era of Weapons Memorial Album. It can be obtained by using a recipe available at the Blast Furnace of the following Industrial City ports:
Portsmouth (England - Southern Britain Island)
Le Havre (France - Southern Britain Island)
Rotterdam (The Netherlands - North Sea)
Bilbao (Spain - Bay of Biscay)
Viana do Castelo (Portugal - Northeast Atlantic Ocean)
Cattaro (Venice - Adriatic Sea)
The recipe is R6 Casting/Management and will (usually) appear at the Factory's Blast Furnace. I say usually as this recipe along with others may not always be available depending on how "effective" the Revolution is; without a 'Great Success/Boom' combo, some recipes like this one may not appear.
Pure Iron Sheet x1
Resin x5
Stainless Steel x10
If produced in your nation's factory, you may pay to use its stockpile for a certain fee and fill in the stainless steel portion of the recipe without needing to craft them yourself; however resin and pure iron sheets must still be in your inventory.