The recipe for this item appears at your Quarters' Aide Production screen if:
1. You have equipped either the
Adept of Ages (B.C.) title or an
Age effect (B.C.) EX Effect item
2. You possess the required skill and its rank
Production is only possible if you have the materials deposited in your quarters' consumable/trade good storage and/or are also available from private farm resources.
Finally, you must have an Aide not traveling with you assigned to the Aide Production recipe; be aware they cannot be assigned this task if they lack the required production skill rank displayed.
Production is carried out once per 24 hour day, unless you've got
Aide Production Order Paper in which case it can be done at your leisure (but only until those items run out, naturally).
That takes care of that. Recipe is as follows:
Handicrafts R11
Gold x20, Goldwork x10
Item stats:
Perfume trading +1
20k fame to equip, unisex, color-customizable
Hope this helps. Oh, and this item is not to be confused with the visually similar
Ancient Crown item. Cheers, and great online voyaging to you.