Available from NPC Anita (Town's man recipe) inside Lorenzo's palace in Florence).
Recipe name is "Making Platinum Crown" Requires R15 Handicraft as well as 1200 Handicrafts Contribution Points.
Materials Needed :
Jewellery + 8x
High-grade Platinum + 2x
Highest-grade Platinum.
Stats :
Durability 50/50 (Could be more if great success)
Formality 10
Defence Power 5 (Could be more if great success)
Mineral Trading
Required Total Fame 7000
While it is a very nice equipment (Possibly the only +2 Mineral Trading for headgear as well as +1 Casting is not bad addition if you using Steam Engineer Job while making 18s Cannons and try getting rank 20 Casting with boost), it will take great amount of time for you to ever get all the materials especially the platinum. Make sure to be prepared.
And not sure if it's worth for selling, considering amount of time spent and people would pretty sure not spending much over this.