Another Info #1
Same models
Thorfinn the Skullsplitter's Armour
- An original armour made by the Viking people.
Viking Mail
- An original armour made by the Viking people.
It is designed to look menacing.
Silver Armour 27
- Armour in a unique Viking style adorned in silver.
Obtained Info

Port Official
Privateer fleet Sweden
im sorry but i think my info on that is wrong, i think its lvl 41-45, i tried 46 and didnt get any swedish privateers for a full day and gave up, and made a new alt for it.
Swedish Privateer Fleet by surprise attack only, that can appear anywhere in the Baltic sea.
Fleet will only appear to players are whose total levels are between 41-45. Your need to bring an alt or another player who fits those levels, and have them use request reinforcement to let you in.
Special thanks to MarcoS for discovering this.
Excellent findings; thanks indeed, MarcoS. Amazing the difference one level can make, no?
You do not need to use request reinforcement to be able to participate in the battle with your main. Your main need to be standing still (with dropped anchor), and your alt need to be sailing close around (about the area of sea battle) your main without caution skill. This way you will get the ambush on your alt. And since your main is near, both of your toons will participate in the battle. At least it worked for me all the times :)
Huh, I always assumed it couldn't be done in a fleet because the levels would be combined, and it be too high for them to appear. I guess as long as your main isn't TOO close they can still appear. Thanks for clearing that up Donce.
Your main can be in the same spot as your alt, but the key is that your main should not be moving. You need to drop the anchor with the main. And alt should be moving. Also your main can be far away while your alt is ambushed. But your main can join the battle if they are in fleet simply by entering the battle circle.
WTS uwo ducats 6-7usd per 1bil
got 30bil in stock
aswell as lots of ships trade adv/battle9 (MLA ambush victoria
pm skype Sinaj91
as well as accounts for evyone
battle /adv/trade/battle
^do not fall for the above scam. One, it's likely a scam to get your credit card information, these date back to the dawn of UWO history and almost never turn out good for the buyer. Two, it's against the rules - if you are busted, you will certainly be banned. GM is looking into this seller, don't be the fall-guy for this scheme.
If you intend to try to buy gold with money, sell astros, you can get a better rate than this guy is offering anyway
It seems that there are 3 versions of the Swedish Privateer Fleet which can ambush you, and the type that you get is determined by your total level and not by chance. The lowest level gives 1280 ducats per plunder and has either grey sails or white sails with a blue stripe. The middle level gives 2080 ducats and has white sails with black spots. The high level gives 2240 ducats and has white sails with red triangles. It is the middle level fleet that has the armour.
My level 35 alt was always ambushed by the low level version. At level 39, my alt was always ambushed by the middle version. The Taiwanese wiki says that the upper limit is level 42.
I found the best place to get ambushed was between Riga and Baltic Sea North landing. I was more often ambushed by the Swedish privateers there, and less often by Vikings.
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