Jewel Pendant 9
Necklace that releases beautiful light in the
shape of a star.
Model ID : 0
Range : 255
Florentine Recipe –

Making Fine Pendant

The method of making a high-quality
pendant decorated with gemstones.
Obtained Info
Florentine –
Not quite.
Star Sapphire Hair Dressing accessory gives +2 to Sundries as well although your need to get an Otto player to buy one for you if your not Otto yourself. Still a lot easier to get then trying to make this unless your doing it for the MA...
There is also the
Traveler's Comb accessory which gives Sundries trading +2 -- r10 handicrafts recipe which is available during Thanksgiving events. (Details on its page.) It's interesting to see at least a few of these absurdly hard to make MA items aren't completely worthless. Thanks for all the info. Cheers.
Ah bummer i completely forget that lol seems way easier to make.
Anyone know the exact requirements to get this to appear at the NPC in Florence? I've got plenty of handi contribution, r17+3 handicrafts, in artisan's job with both boston skills active, and doesn't show.
Other players have checked if it is available for them and it showed up for them, so I don't think it's on a rotation or locked by chrono titles or anything like that. But can't figure out what I'm missing. Any ideas?
Total handi contribution(already used + you have now) can unlock each recipes. In the case of Jewel Pendant, heard from a game mate several years ago, he could unlock when the handi contribution reached 13K.
I read from another wiki, a player could get the recipe at 17K+.
I think you would have better luck asking about this in a support ticket to Papaya as the GMs can usually share specific information that players might not have access to (unless KOEI refuses to let them share it, of course).
My thought is that you have not yet hit a particular hidden goal. Florentine recipes often have highly specific requirements; take the ones that have Roman Coin or Company Colony population requirements for example.
If your total lifetime handi contribution is not at least 10,000 points, try to raise it a bit more and check back regularly. Best of luck; cheers and if you happen to figure out the exact requirements, please do share them with us.
17K less) Jewel Mirror/Platinum Mirror/Jewel Orb
17K+) Jewel Box/Jewel Pendant
25K+) Jewel Necklace/Jewel Brooch
29K+) Jewel Clock recipe unlocked.
Let me add this info here.
Thanks guys, that makes sense. I had one character with only three recipes unlocked, one with only 5. However, none of those 5 were jewel pendant. So I'm guessing one of the items Beomi listed in the list are flip flopped with the ones that are available. Will work on boosting my contribution each week then. Thanks!
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