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Modified Square Sail Xebec
A Xebec Frigate modified for
improved durability and armour.

Build Original Ship
Base Performance
Ship Hold info
Sailing Requirements
Studding Sail: 3, Broadside: 4
Special Equipment: 2, Bow Turret: 0
Extra Armouring: 3, Stern Turret: 1
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]02-13-2013
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[Purification FleetA]02-13-2013
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[Purification FleetA]02-13-2013
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Li Yue
I suppose it could be a clipper-chaser (pirate), but a xebec cruiser can do the same job just as well for a lot less. Really nice dura tho I suppose.
This ship will be fast in open waters, but i just don't see it bringing the same price as other NC ships in it's class.

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]02-13-2013
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[Purification FleetA]02-13-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]02-13-2013
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This ship performs better than AFCV in the escort role, in the sense that it has good capability to stop pirate galley from approaching the admiral clipper with moored mine and IGP combined with heavy bomb.
Escorting is not about beating the pirate, rather about protecting the clipper( or multiple clippers if u are multi

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]02-13-2013
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[Purification FleetA]02-13-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]02-14-2013
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[Purification FleetA]02-16-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]02-16-2013
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You can pirate with this ship in open sea, it doesn't have EA. U will never be able to pirate with this. On the other hand, medical quebec is a better choice for piracy since it has EA. But it is still outdate and not fast enough for clippers now day. Only clippers is good for deep sea pircay and even with that, it is still tough. If you like to pirate by shore, use a galley or just regular pirate boat. This ship doesn't fit today's piracy need. And the worst part, there is no bow cannon.

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]02-19-2013
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Does this ship have Moored mines, Improved Gunports and all the other skills a normal Xebec Frigate has ?

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]10-12-2013
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[Purification FleetA]10-12-2013
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[Purification FleetA]11-03-2013
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[Purification FleetA]11-12-2013
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[Purification FleetA]11-12-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]11-25-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]11-29-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]12-08-2013
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[Purification FleetA]12-15-2013
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[Purification FleetA]12-15-2013
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[Purification FleetA]12-17-2013
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[Purification FleetA]12-20-2013
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[Purification FleetA]07-11-2014
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[Purification FleetA]03-16-2016
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