- Jean Bart
- A French naval commander.
He served in the Dutch navy under Admiral Michiel de Ruyter. After he returned to France, he became a lieutenant. He achieved his greatest successes during the Nine Years' War as a privateer.
- Anne Hilarion
- A French naval commander.
He joined the French Royal Navy and an active career as an admiral. He won his spurs and was later made Marshal of France.
- alveero
- A Portuguese merchant who joined because he heard he'll make money. Although he was told that he would make money with a ship, he didn't know that he had to battle for it and is understandably feeling frantic about it.
- alveero
- The Portuguese merchant who has accepted his fate. Even though it's not the same as he was told, dealing with situations like these is part of being a merchant. He will fight with the stubbornness of a merchant!
- henriqe
- The morning after a banquet, the Portuguese prince woke up and found himself aboard a ship. For him, the small cabin and swaying floor, is like hell on earth.
- henriqe
- With his seasickness beyond is limit, the Portuguese prince has become debilitated. Maybe that's why his face, hair and even his clothe look paler than usual...
- chritie
- A young girl who snuck in to train herself to become like her father, the King of Sweden. Her father has realized this and is secretly watching over her.
- chritie
- The daughter of the King of Sweden who snuck in to train... Except her armour doesn't conceal her identity at all. Her father might be behind it after having fun from seeing his daughter's fight.
- jose
- A voyager who originally came to study ships but ended up fighting. With muscles toned from steering and shipbuilding, she is well known as a combatant.
- jose
- A voyager who gets overly enthusiastic when people rely on her. With an ammunition box under her arm and pulling the sail ropes with one hand, she is very active. She's forgotten the original reason why she came to the Command Center.
- sophie
- An aristocrat lady who accidentally boarded a cargo ship after studying all night long. Because she didn't sleep enough, she's still absentminded.
- sophie
- An aristocrat lady who just realized that there are enemies trying to attack her. Despite the confusion, her lack of sleep motivates her to be strong!
- heyreddin
- The leader of the Barbary Pirates and the Grand Admiral of the Ottoman Empire. Recommended by his subordinates to take a break from his busy schedule, he decided to go to...
- heyreddin
- The trigger-happy leader of the Barbary Pirates. Battling is his life and piracy his work. Although his subordinates are surprised by what he chooses as a break, they shrug and accept it.
- baltazaar
- A mercenary captain who was dragged into the battle by his colleagues. He says that there's no point investing in a pointless battle but...?
- baltazaar
- A mercenary captain who hates to lose. Treating it as a game, his carelessness lead to one defeat after another. Instinctively he reaches out to his prized cannon...!
- meena
- A folklore collector who wandered into the Command Center purely out of curiosity. She's too excited to think in front of all the legendary fighters.
- meena
- A folklore collector who decided that instead of chasing after legends, shouldn't she become a legend! Nobody is stopping her.
- meymey
- A young girl who has been doing so many varieties of jobs that she's not quite sure what her original job was. She's learning to become a delivery person... she thinks.
- meymey
- A delivery person in training who likes to treat herself with food. She'll instantly gain strength if she has something sweet and fluffy. According to her, fat and sugar are her friends!
- lizzie
- An English Naval Officer who came to help pay for one of her subordinates with their money issues. Because the purpose of the sea battle is for money, she is cutting back somewhat.
- lizzie
- An English Naval Officer who is troubled by the account book with unbalanced revenue and expenditure. The more she turns the page, the more records on mysterious debt appears.
- lisa
- A woman who came to the Command Center full of strong people after deciding that she needed to meet face-to-face ships and seafarers in order to learn more as a tavern maid. She is very serious.
- lisa
- A woman who believes that the only way she can teach dim-witted seafarers is by using brute force. A very serious tavern maid.
- Henry Every
- An English pirate who was also known as 'The King of Pirates.' He is notorious for his attack and plunder against the fleet of Emperor Aurangzeb of the Mughal Empire.
- Mohri Motonari 1
- A feudal lord from Japan. He rose into power with three of his talented sons, conquering 10 territories in the Sanyo and Sanin regions and controlling the Seto Inland Sea.
- Peter the Great 2
- The fifth monarch of the House of Romanov and the first Russian emperor to rule Russia. He swiftly modernized his empire and defeated Sweden to capture the Baltic Sea. He later extended his power to the Black Sea and was called the 'Great Emperor.'
- Koxinga
- A soldier who fought against the Qing Empire and protected the destroyed royal family of the Ming Dynasty. He built a large trading network based in Taiwan, opposing Qing's nautical ban policy.
He was known as the man who opened up and developed Taiwan.
- Ithaqua's Wise King
- The wise king who led Ancient Greeks to victory during their war, as well as successfully completing many challenging voyages.
His spirit returned to the living world as a ghost in Atlantis.
- Pizzaro 1
- A Spanish conquistador who planned for the conquest of the Incan Empire. He was a top-ranking soldier whose wit and cruelty were feared even by his own allies.
- One-Day Secretary Maymay 1
- To improve the Command Center's public image, Maymay was assigned as secretary for one day.
Just as she was about to enjoy the specially prepared snacks, she was told to engage in a mock battle with some voyagers, much to her surprise.
- Maarten Tromp 1
- A Dutch naval admiral who gained the power of Grande Ganadors after many defeats.
His heart burns to make a triumphant return and vindicate himself.
- Mary Read 2
- A female pirate who was active in the Caribbean Sea.
She fought alongside another female pirate called Anne Bonny.
The two were feared pirates.
- Hayreddin 3
- Leader of the Barbary Pirates who dominated as the Admiral of the Fleet after returning to the Ottoman Empire.
He brought down the Holy Alliance, consisting of the Pope and the Holy Roman Empire in one swoop during the Battle of Preveza.
With this, he gained supremacy over the Mediterranean Sea and gained the power of Grande Ganador.
- George Washington 2
- A military officer who was active in England's North American frontier.
As a hero of the Seven Years' War, he later became a prominent figure in politics.
He seems to have issues against England's height of prosperity and their exploitation of the pioneers...
- Otomo Yoshishige 1
- Feudal lord of the Bungo Province in Japan. He worked on overseas expansion by converting to Christianity and increasing nanban trades. Using the profit from the nanban trades, he expanded his powers to become the military governor of six provinces and the local commissioner of Kyushu. He is said to be one of the few great feudal lords of Japan.
- Jang Bogo 2
- An admiral from the unified dynasty, Silla, in ancient Korea. He increased his merit by subduing pirates and establishing an enormous trading network between Korea, China, and Japan. Although a fallout with the Sillian king caused his demise, he has revived as a ghost in Atlantis.
- Bartholomew Roberts 1
- Bartholomew Roberts.
A pirate active all across the Atlantic Ocean, he is known as a great pirate who captured more than 400 ships. He is said to be the greatest pirate during the Golden Age of Piracy. He set out a strict pirate code and, with that, formed a large fleet with great command.
- ホレーショ・ネルソン
- イングランド海軍の提督。数々の海戦を経験し右目と右腕を失う。勇猛果敢な戦いぶりで海軍の英雄となった。ナポレオンのイングランド侵攻を阻止。トラファルガー海戦において、フランス・イスパニア連合艦隊を壊滅させる働きを見せた。
- General Advisor
- Increases the earned Experience and earned Fame of friends and company members.
- Imperial Diplomat
- Adjusts the Body language skill of friends and company members and lowers the disguise level needed for the Islamic nations.
- Court Scribe
- Augments Frugality, Storage and
Management Technique Skills of
Friends and Company members.
- Mercenary Captain
- Augments Sword Mastery, Throwing
and Sniping skills of Friend and
Company members.
- Privateer Captain
- Augments Assault, Plunder and
Swordplay skills of Friend and
Company members.
- Licensed Explorer
- Augments Search, Recognition and
Navigation skills of Friend and
Company members.
- Colonial Governor
- Augments Wares Trading,
Procurement and Collection skills
of Friend and Company members.
- Court Musician
- Various effects will be added to friend and company member playing skills.
- Court Artist
- Augments Art, Appraisal and
Handicrafts skills of Friend and
Company members.
- Court Scholar
- Augments Geography, Archaeology
and Theology skills of Friend and
Company members.
- Court Fool
- Augments Wining and Dining,
Persuasion and Evasion skills of
Friend and Company Members.
- Court Physician
- Augments Medicine Trading, First Aid,
and Surgery skills of Friend and
Company members.
- Imperial Saboteur
- Augments Unlock, Trap and
Mine Laying skills of Friend and
Company members.
- Court Alchemist
- Augments Alchemy, Metal Trading
and Wares Trading skills of Friend
and Company members.
- Court Chef
- Augments Cooking, Food Trading and
Spice Trading skills of Friend and
Company members.
- Court Breeder
- Augments Ecological Research,
Biology and Fishing skills of Friend
and Company members.
- Imperial Commander
- Augments Ballistics, Accuracy and
Reloading skills of Friend and
Company members.
- Imperial Tactician
- Augments Weapon Trading, Guard
and Tactics skills of Friend and
Company members.
- Financial Inspector
- Augments Accounts, Metal Trading
and Jewellry Trading Trading skills
of Friend and Company members.
- Court Purveyor
- Augments Alcohol Trading, Luxuries
Trading and Perfume Trading skills of
Friend and Company members.
- Court Tailor
- Augments Sewing, Textile Trading,
Luxuries Trading and Perfume
Trading skills of Friend and Company
- Imperial Engineer Chief
- Augments Casting, Mineral Trading,
and Firearms Trading skills of
Friend and Company members.
- Court Astrologer
- Send an Astrology kit to friends and company members when appointed. Can be picked up at any bank.
* Some info of this list is advanced and not applied yet on Papayaplay.