Potosi Silver Mine
- A silver mountain called Cerro Rico in Spanish which means rich mountain. It is a land where the dreams of people enchanted by the silver smolder.
El Dorado
- A temple hidden deep in the jungles of the New World filled to overflowing with gold and precious stones. Its secrets are guarded closely by its inhabitants and to find it is difficult.
El Dorado
- A temple thought to be the source of the legends of Cibola, overflowing with gold and precious stones. Beginning to sink into the depths, soon it's beauty will be lost forever.
Knights Templar
- An Order of Knights active in medieval times who amassed a large fortune. Legends say they carried a number of treasures away from the Holy Land, but the truth of those legends is wrapped in the fogs of time.
Ogier the Dane
- A knight of Charlemagne and the protagonist of a number of tales of valor. He is known in Denmark as Holger Danske.
Nasreddin Hoca
- Judge, philosopher and sage that lived in Turkey, he is the protagonist of many tales. He is said to have had a wonderful sense of humour.
Pied Piper of Hamelin
- A legend of man who played the pipes and of the children that disappeared from the town of Hamelin.
Some believe the legends are based on a plague sweeping the town, but others speak of a migration eastward.
- A grimoire recording the secret spells of King Solomon and the control of Demons and Angels. Much knowledge is recorded in it, not all of it necessarily good.
- A set of beliefs for those who pursue the mysteries based on writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus. Said to be the culmination of various branches of knowledge.
- An Arabian book of magic and astrology claimed by some to be Aim of the Sage.
They say it has been translated into European languages and is widely used.
Teuta, the Pirate Queen
- The legendary queen who ruled the pirates of the Adriatic sea in the times of ancient Rome. She is defeated by Rome and disappears into the shadows of history.
- A large scale uprising that shook Rome to it's core. According to one source, the gladiator that led the uprising was a Prince of Thrace.
- Pyrrhus, king of Epirus, was a tactical genius, said to be the military successor to Alexander the Great. His name has become synonymous with a costly victory.
Numa Pompilius
- Rome conquered the ancient world of the Mediterranean. Interestingly enough, it was its second king, a man of foreign origin, who laid the foundation for its success.
Lucius Brutus
- The Dullard who led the transition of Rome from a monarchy to a republic. His true nature was that of a revolutionary who did not let emotion sway him.
- Carthage rivaled Rome for control of the Mediterranean world. Its legendary founder was a beautiful Queen who was tossed on the waves of fate.
- The legendary King Arthur of England, beloved of minstrels. Will the pathway to Avalon where he lies, ever again be open?
- Lancelot, the greatest of all the knights of the Round Table. Raised by the Lady of the Lake, this knight of the Lake is said to be the model for the jack of clubs.
- The knight Gawain, daring, resolute, and guileless. The girdle he wore in remembrance of integrity is said to have been the origin of the current symbol of honor.
Prester John
- According to Legend of Prestor
John, Kereyids, led by Kahn, were
mostly Christians.
Hero of Gallia
- Vercingetorix, who lead Gallians to
battle against Gaius Julius Ceasar,
is referred to as France's first hero.
Karl Martell
- How would history be affected
if Karl Martel had been defeated in the
battle between Tours and Poitiers?
Inheritor of Jan
- From a miscellany of feudal lords and
mercenary army to the royal army,
Richemont Marshal's military reform
contributed greatly to the power of
Another Jan
- The name of brave girl who saved the
Beauvais by removing the Burgundian flag
was [Jeanne], mircaculously same as
La Pucelle.
Heroine of Byzantine Empire
- Theodora, a poor dancer who
became Empress of the Byzantine
Empire, was great adviser who
served the Emperor wisely.
Last Roman
- Great general Stilicho was executed
by Emperor Honorius which lead to
the fall of the West Roman Empire.
Sun God Aten
- The realistic art of Aten religion was
brought to Amarna and influenced
ancient Egyptian Art.
Ali-Baba and Thieves
- In Arabic and Persian, [Baba] in
Ali-Baba means [father]. Ali-Baba
in the story may have been elder guy.
Shield of Italy
- Fabius, a wise general who used clever tactics to contain Hannibal's formidable forces but died before he could see the victory of Rome.
Sword of Italy
- Marcellus, a brave general who fought a valiant battle against Hannibal. Even the fierce forces of Hannibal could not match his bravery.
- Awilda was a beautiful princess of Sweden who later became a pirate. She is still adored by many Scandinavians.
- Beowulf, the titular hero of the Old English epic poem, is described as a brave and battle-hardened warrior who maintained his fighting spirit even in his old age. He fights bravely with a dragon and dies defeating it at the end.
The Peach Blossom Spring
- Peach Blossom Spring exists, hidden somewhere deep in the mountains of Wuling, China. Tao Yuanming was a poet who secluded himself from the world in Peach Blossom Spring. Did he find inner peace there?
Honorable thief of Sherwood forest
- It's said that the courteous outlaw, Robin Hood, lived in the forests of Sherwoods. Over generations, his story has been shared and still loved by people.
Lioness of Brittany
- The female pirate known by the name of the Lioness of Brittany, wreaked havoc along the coasts of France. Was she ever satisfied with her vengeful actions?
The Bragging Baron
- Baron Munchausen was known for his witty skills in conversation. It seems that his adventure stories continue to bring joy to people to this day.
The Count of St. Germain
- The Count of St. Germain was known for his abundant knowledge and ability in alchemy. Is he really immortal and still continuing his research?
The Hanging Gardens
- Babylon... an ancient city buried by sandstorm. Said to include beautiful gardens and a large tower, it is a wonder as to if the city still exists.
The Records of the Stars
- Ancient astronomical observation records that were hidden after having survived the destruction of Library of Alexandria. The ancient people would look up at the sky to determine the fate of their nation.
Poseidon's Anger 1
- The mighty kingdom Atlantis, located near Crete, is believed to have vanished overnight because of portentous earthquakes.
The Sun Sets on Atlantis 1
- The legend of Atlantis that dates back to the times of ancient Greece... The land of Atlantis has vanished because of volcanic eruptions and extreme climate events.
A Story about the Vanishing Nation 1
- Atlantis seems to have gone into decline in more of a self-destructive way. Being overcompetitive might have caused people to lose their self-control.
Deep-sea Gears 1
- Gears used for a machine, retrieved from the Antikythera shipwreck. Even though they were crafted in antiquity, the technology used is said to be equal even to today's.
Seal with Cretan Hieroglyphs 1
- The seal with Cretan hieroglyphs was hidden in the Labyrinth. The hieroglyphs could have developed into a more advanced writing system if their civilization hadn't gone into decline.
The Treasure in the Temple of Poseidon 1
- The offering made to the Temple of Poseidon by Hercules is the coat of the Nemean Lion. It seems to be a bit damaged but it looks like it can be used to improve some items.
The Ancient Reflector 1
- It is said that the reflector placed on the top of the Lighthouse of Alexandria was able to direct light to ships far away on seas by gathering and reflecting sunlight.
The Burning Colossus Plate 1
- The giant flaming plate held by the Colossus of Rhodes. It is said that any invading ships would fall victim to flaming oil poured from the plate.
- 華南には東西交易によって繁栄を極めた、長安という都市があった。そこへと続く道には、様々な国の商人が行き交っていたという。
* Some info of this list is advanced and not applied yet on Papayaplay.