- Head of the feared Barbary Pirates that spread fear and terror throughout the Mediterranean.
He returns to the Ottoman Empire and though a pirate, becomes Admiral of the Fleet. He inherits his nickname, Barbarossa, meaning Redbeard, from his older brother.
John Hawkins 1
- Privateer of England. Fluent in Spanish, he stops an assassination attempt on the Queen and gains her trust. He helps fight against the Spanish Armada. Cousin to Francis Drake.
Francis Drake 1
- Privateer of England. Becomes feared in the West Indies for his plundering of Spanish territories.
He was second-in-command of the English navy in the battle with the Spanish Armada.
- Cesare Borgia, also called the Duke of Valentinois.
Educated from his youth, he becomes a Cardinal at 18. He invited Da Vinci to his area and governs well while trying to unify Italy.
Kemal Reis
- Commander of the Ottoman Navy.
He proposed large scale artillery battles, which involves large numbers of cannons on each ship and an organized bombardment.
Uncle of Piri Reis.
Zheng He
- A general of the Ming and commander of a fleet of 200 ships. Following the foreign policies of the Ming Emperor, he sailed to Southeast Asia, India, Africa and farther.
Mehmed II
- Seventh Emperor of the Ottoman Empire. He became emperor at the age of 12, but he was deposed after 2 years. After, he devoted himself to his studies and war. He then ascended to the throne after the death of his father, Murad II. He expanded the territory of the Ottoman Empire through such efforts as the Eastern Roman Empire conquest.
Maarten Tromp 2
- A Dutch navy admiral. He won countless victories after boarding his first ship at a young age. His gentle nature has gained him the respect of his subordinates.
Gustav II Adolf
- The young king of Sweden, nicknamed the Lion of the North, came to the throne at the age of 17. This Swedish hero built the Swedish Empire, displayed initiative and leadership, and fought fiercely in battles.
Francois l'Olonnais
- A great pirate from France. He became the leader of the Caribbean Pirates and preferred to use a cutlass sword. He was a frequent raider and looter and attacked Spanish ships for large amount of silver.
William Kidd
- Referred to sometimes as Captain Kidd. Beginning as a merchant, he started working as a privateer in England. Blinded by greed, he eventually became a diabolical pirate.
Edward Teach
- Known as Blackbeard, this great pirate who ruled the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea was feared by many sailors for his brutal acts. It was rumored that he was based on the Nassau Island and controlled his fellow pirates there.
- A Russian military leader who held the positions of both a Grand Admiral, and the head of all of Russia's land and irregular forces.
He won numerous victories as a favorite of Catherine the Great, and led Russia to prosperity.
Paganino Doria
- A Genoan naval admiral from the Doria family. He was an important figure in the middle term of the series of wars between Genoa and Venice, and contributed to many victories.
Matthias Gallas
- A general of the Holy Roman Empire who offered his services during the Thirty Years' War.
Was defeated by the Swedish force led by Gustav II Adolf, in the war fighting for supremacy in the Baltic Sea.
Anne Hilarion
- A French naval commander.
He joined the French Royal Navy and an active career as an admiral. He won his spurs and was later made Marshal of France.
Aruj Reis
- Hayreddin's older brother. Through piratical activities, he enlarges his sphere of influence as far as the borders of Morocco, and has a huge effect on European trade. He was loved of his men for his practice of splitting whatever he stole with them.
Andrea Doria
- While fighting for the French Navy, he is also made a Naval Commander of the Holy Roman Empire. Earned the nickname, the Shark of the Mediterranean.
Aydin Reis
- Becomes Commander of the Algerian Pirates when Hayreddin becomes a Turkish Admiral. He was also known for his nickname, Devil Killer.
Pierie Layth
- A military personage of the Ottoman Turks who was a skilled cartographer. He becomes an experienced admiral under Hayreddin.
Grimani 1
- A great voyager. Merchant and diplomat. He is taken prisoner at a battle, but later becomes the ruler of Venice.
Volg Ali
- Left admiral of the Ottoman Fleet at the battle of Lepanto.
He later becomes Grand Admiral, and restructures the Navy. He spent his life holding the territories won by the Ottoman fleet in the Mediterranean.
Ali Pasha 1
- An Admiral of the Ottoman Empire. He is a commander at the Battle of Lepanto. He fought in the center, commanding 95 Galleys.
Giovanni Andrea
- Young mercenary captain of the Doria family, grand nephew of Andrea Doria, the Shark of the Mediterranean.
At the Battle of Lepanto, he commanded the right wing of the Papal Navy.
Don Juan
- Illegitimate child of Charles V.
At the young age of 24, he is appointed Supreme Commander of the Papal forces.
He commands the forces at the Battle of Lepanto and clashes directly with Ali Pasha.
Santa Cruz 1
- Naval nobility of Spain.
He fought alongside Andrea Doria, and went on to be called the Father of the Navy for his wealth of experience and knowledge.
- His full name was Alonso Perez de Guzman. He is appointed Supreme Commander of the Spanish Armada, but has no Naval experience. He ends up suffering from seasickness.
Flovisher 1
- A voyager of England.
He successfully sails 3 times to the west of Greenland. He joins Drakes ventures into the West Indies, and participates in the battle against the Spanish Armada.
Effingam 2
- Charles Howard, known as Howard of Effingam.
He was Lord High Admiral during the battle with the Spanish Armada. Hearing that England could not pay the sailors from it's treasury, he paid them from his own funds.
- One of the men that Baltazar depended upon. His primary responsibilities was gathering information. He was good natured and assertive, but also old-fashioned and placed much emphasis on duty.
- Captain of the Orka Mercenary fleet, Spain's elite group of pirate hunters. Not willing to be bound by the conventions of the time, he frequently clashes with the nobility. But he earns the trust and love of his men.
- Affiliated with the English navy. He acts as Liza's subordinate. Also, capable of disguise.
- Affiliated with the English Navy. Trying to prove herself a proud member of the military, she tends to conceal her own feelings.
- Head of the feared Barbary Pirates that spread fear and terror throughout the Mediterranean.
He returns to the Ottoman Empire and though a pirate, becomes Admiral of the Fleet. He inherits his nickname, Barbarossa, meaning Redbeard, from his older brother.
- Head of the feared Barbary Pirates that spread fear and terror throughout the Mediterranean.
He returns to the Ottoman Empire and though a pirate, becomes Admiral of the Fleet.
He commands the Ottoman Forces at the Battle of Preveza, and clashes with the Papal Forces.
Francis Drake 1
- Privateer of England. Becomes feared in the West Indies for his plundering of Spanish territories.
He was second-in-command of the English navy in the battle with the Spanish Armada.
John Hawkins 1
- Privateer of England. Fluent in Spanish, he stops an assassination attempt on the Queen and gains her trust. He helps fight against the Spanish Armada. Cousin to Francis Drake.
Vasco da Gama 6
- A Portuguese explorer.
Commanded to find a route, he departs Lisbon and makes it to India. After his success, he was given the title Admiral of the Indian Ocean.
Cristobal Colon
- Captain of Santa Maria.
Born into a leading trader family, he spent his childhood with trading and sailing. Later, he became a pelagic explorer, and succeeded in sailing across the Atlantic.
He is from the Republic of Genoa.
Michelotto 1
- Advisor and friend to Cesare. Extremely loyal, it is said that he was the one that carried out many of Cesare's plans. Still, much remains unknown.
- Admiral of the Venetian Navy.
He led a relief force to Constantinople to help in the defense and was given control of the defense. He held the line against the attacking Ottoman Turks.
- Admiral of both the Venetian Navy and the Byzantine Navy.
Takes charge of the navy for the defense of Constantinople. He held the line against the attacking Ottoman Turks.
- Cesare Borgia, also called the Duke of Valentinois.
Educated from his youth, he becomes a Cardinal at 18. He invited Da Vinci to his area and governs well while trying to unify Italy.
Kemal Reis 1
- Commander of the Ottoman Navy.
He proposed large scale artillery battles, which involves large numbers of cannons on each ship and an organized bombardment.
Uncle of Piri Reis.
Zheng He
- A general of the Ming and commander of a fleet of 200 ships. Following the foreign policies of the Ming Emperor, he sailed to Southeast Asia, India, Africa and farther.
Gil Eanes
- A subordinate of Prince Henrique, the Navigator.
A brave man who had crossed the 'Cape of No Return' which all voyagers had feared, under the orders of Prince Henrique.
- Bartolomeu Dias.
A Portuguese explorer. The first European to arrive at the Cape of Good Hope. It is said that this made it possible for Portugal to develop a route to India.
- A Portuguese military man.
He crossed over to India and among his many achievements, he secured a port which became the foundation for trade in spices and fragrances.
He is later made the Governor of India after Almeda.
Almeda 1
- A Portuguese military man.
His exploits at the battle of Granada were highly praised by the King of Portugal and he is made Governor of India. He also attacked and took Cochin from the Mamluk Empire.
Khalil Pasha
- A descendant of the Candarli family. He contributed much from the time of the 2nd Sultan to the start of the Empire. He became the Grand Vizier to Murad II. he also serves Murad's son, Mehmed II, but was said to have been against the attack on Constantinople.
Wang Jinghong
- Vice Admiral of the fleet of Zheng He. As a part of his travels, he functioned as both an explorer and a diplomat.
- A young consul who was successful in battles against the Ottoman Turks and gained the support of the Venetian people to become an aide to the ruler. He was extremely cool-headed and logical in action.
Ali Pasha 1
- An Admiral of the Ottoman Empire. He is a commander at the Battle of Lepanto. He fought in the center, commanding 95 Galleys.
Mehmed II
- Seventh Emperor of the Ottoman Empire. He became emperor at the age of 12, but he was deposed after 2 years. After, he devoted himself to his studies and war. He then ascended to the throne after the death of his father, Murad II. He expanded the territory of the Ottoman Empire through such efforts as the Eastern Roman Empire conquest.
Mehmed II
- Seventh Emperor of the Ottoman Empire. He became emperor at the age of 12, but he was deposed after 2 years. After, he devoted himself to his studies and war. He then ascended to the throne after the death of his father, Murad II. He expanded the territory of the Ottoman Empire through such efforts as the Eastern Roman Empire conquest.
Mehmed II
- Seventh Emperor of the Ottoman Empire. He became emperor at the age of 12, but he was deposed after 2 years. After, he devoted himself to his studies and war. He then ascended to the throne after the death of his father, Murad II. He expanded the territory of the Ottoman Empire through such efforts as the Eastern Roman Empire conquest.
- A captain of the undefeated mercenary troops. A courageous man and genius of battle who applied business, and other facets of his life experience, to his military strategies. Off the battlefield he was a caring person who looked after his men and loved animals.
Michiel de Ruyter
- A Dutch navy admiral, he was originally captain of a merchant ship. During voyages he fought off pirates and privateers numerous times and, later in his life, achieved a great victory in a sea battle against England.
- A Dutch pirate who mercilessly killed the sailors he captured. They say he hid the seized treasures somewhere, refusing to share it with his men.
Edward Low 1
- An English-born Caribbean pirate nicknamed Ned Lowe.He established the pirate code by mimicking naval law and raided many ships with his well-trained men.
- A Dutch soldier. He was the governor of the East India company. He was known for being strict and was feared for his fighting ability.
- A regent of Sweden. He served Gustav II Adolf. He was calm and collected, in contrast to the hot-blooded Gustav II Adolf.
- A Dutch soldier. Also known as a renowned military scholar who was famous for inventions related to fortress siege attacks and designing fortresses.
- A pirate in the waters around Madagascar. He worked as a vice captain under William Kidd until he betrayed Kidd and stole a ship, becoming a pirate.
Woods Rogers
- An English pirate. He followed in his father's footsteps, joining the fishing fleet and training for 7 years. He later became a privateer and travelled around the world.
Maarten Tromp 5
- A Dutch navy admiral. He won countless victories after boarding his first ship at a young age. His gentle nature has gained him the respect of his subordinates.
Gustav II Adolf
- The young king of Sweden, nicknamed the Lion of the North, came to the throne at the age of 17. This Swedish hero built the Swedish Empire, displayed initiative and leadership, and fought fiercely in battles.
Francois l'Olonnais 12
- A great pirate from France. He became the leader of the Caribbean Pirates and preferred to use a cutlass sword. He was a frequent raider and looter and attacked Spanish ships for large amount of silver.
William Kidd 1
- Referred to sometimes as Captain Kidd. Beginning as a merchant, he started working as a privateer in England. Blinded by greed, he eventually became a diabolical pirate.
Edward Teach
- Known as Blackbeard, this great pirate who ruled the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea was feared by many sailors for his brutal acts. It was rumored that he was based on the Nassau Island and controlled his fellow pirates there.
- Details are unspecified.
Ushakov 1
- A Russian naval admiral, known as one of the most competent commanders in Russian naval history.
He defeated the Ottoman navy and successfully established Russian supremacy in the Black Sea.
Luciano Doria
- A Genoan naval admiral from the Doria family.
He was an important figure in the later term of the series of wars between Genoa and Venice.
Johann Tserclaes
- A chief commander of the Holy Roman Empire's mercenary force, known as 'The Monk in Armor.'
Took command in the Thirty Years' War after Wallenstein had been removed from duty.
Potemkin 1
- A Russian military leader who held the positions of both a Grand Admiral, and the head of all of Russia's land and irregular forces.
He won numerous victories as a favorite of Catherine the Great, and led Russia to prosperity.
Paganino Doria
- A Genoan naval admiral from the Doria family. He was an important figure in the middle term of the series of wars between Genoa and Venice, and contributed to many victories.
Matthias Gallas
- A general of the Holy Roman Empire who offered his services during the Thirty Years' War.
Was defeated by the Swedish force led by Gustav II Adolf, in the war fighting for supremacy in the Baltic Sea.
- A young man who holds a magic mirror and a book which contains the world's knowledge.
- A young man who holds a magic mirror and a book which contains the world's knowledge.
Millionaire Whisky
- A millionaire whom suddenly emerged.
Previously an 'adventurer' and a 'great pirate', but in order to return the favour back to voyagers, had obtained various goods and returns once again to the battlefield.
Millionaire Whisky
- A millionaire whom suddenly emerged.
Previously an 'adventurer' and a 'great pirate', but in order to return the favour back to voyagers, had obtained various goods and returns once again to the battlefield.
- An Apprentice Delivery Person that is travelling across the world. Though she is not very skilled with battling on ships, in order for her growth as a delivery person, she had enlisted as a candidate for becoming a Ganador for Trial Missions.
As the ship and equipment are merely borrowed, it's not suited for battles.
* Some info of this list is advanced and not applied yet on Papayaplay.