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World Map

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Memorial Album
-Archive Maps

Zones Dungeons
-Cities -Port Permits
-Liners -Shipwrecks

Trade goods
Nanban Trade
-South China
-Taiwan Island

Recipes -Florentine
-Advanced Alchemy

Ships -Ship Parts
-FS -FS Parts

Skills University
-Special Skills



  • Name
  • Description
  • Fishing Beginner
  • A record of fish found in Europe. Fish in the towns and on seas of Europe to catch them.
  • Legendary Ancient Ruins
  • A record of the replicas of legendary ancient ruins. Try to investigate as many ruins as you can.
  • In the Great River
  • A record of unique fish inhabiting the Amazon River. Some rare fishes live in the river as well.
  • Alchemy Potions
  • A record of potions used for alchemy. They come in colourless as well as various different colours.
  • Flowers from Home
  • A record of gifts received from the Barmaids in the major cities. Continue working your charm.
  • Forgotten Wazamono
  • A record of weapons that have become rusted and nicked, losing their glory.
  • Korean Cuisine
  • A record of popular cuisines eaten in the regions of Korea.
  • Taiwan Cuisine
  • A record of popular cuisines eaten in the regions of Taiwan.
  • Colored Ore
  • A record of ores with color.
    Primarily ores that come from landing points or your private farm.
  • Grooming 1
  • A record of various items available to assist with your personal grooming.
  • Playable Melodies 1
  • A record of instruments available to anyone. Mostly found in Item Shops of major towns.
  • Intro to Adventuring
  • A compilation of numerous records of advice meant to be useful to beginning adventurers.
  • Alchemy Primer 1
  • A record of ingredients used in the most basic Alchemy recipes.
  • Shattered dream 1
  • Found in the sunken ship on the Northeast passage.
    Has records on armaments.
  • Gold Lover 1
  • A record of clothes worn by those who are attracted to gold.
  • Glorious Battles 1
  • A record of items collected from defeating pirates around the North American coasts.
  • Cat Lovers 1
  • A record of the deeds of various breeds of cats. Must have been made by someone who loves cats.
  • World Rice Dishes 1
  • A record of rice dishes from all over the world. Rice seems to be grown in many areas.
  • Salmon Dishes 1
  • A record of salmon dishes. Salmon seems to be consumed widely, including in the North Sea area.
  • A Form of Love 1
  • A record of food for pets, made to strengthen a bond with them.
  • Peaceful Tunes 1
  • A record of tunes that can ease ones' mind, only played with precise musical instruments.
  • Machine-made Clothes 1
  • A record of clothes made using machines developed during the Industrial Revolution.
  • New Era of Weapons
  • A record of smaller and lighter handguns emerged as a result of technological innovation.
  • Voyage Life
  • A record of a life that chose the path as a voyager.
  • Ancient Olympic Games 4
  • A record of various items about the statue of Zeus in Olympia and the games dedicated to him.

* Some info of this list is advanced and not applied yet on Papayaplay.