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  • Name
  • Description
  • オイギンス
  • チリで拿捕されたイスパニアの
  • 長蛇号
  • ノルウェー王のために造られた
  • 鳳凰丸
  • 日本で建造された西洋式帆船。
  • サン・マルチーニョ
  • イスパニア無敵艦隊の旗艦。
  • ダフ
  • 南太平洋でキリスト教を布教した
  • マフムディエ
  • オスマン帝国海軍の戦列艦。
  • エーンドラフト
  • ネーデルラントの戦列艦。
  • フローレ
  • フランスの護衛艦。
  • Custom Cacafuego
  • Cacafuego, modified with a
    focus on cargo capacity for transportation.
  • Custom Amsterdam
  • De Amsterdam, modified with a
    focus on cargo capacity for transportation.
  • Dreadnought 1
  • An English ship of the line.
    It participated in many battles,
    and after retirement, it served
    as a hospital ship treating
    tropical diseases and others.
  • Achille 1
  • A French ship of the line
    launched in 1803. It suffered
    severe attacks during the
    Battle of Trafalgar and sank.
  • Swallow 1
  • An English Ship of the line.
    It defeated the pirate
    Bartholomew Roberts off the
    coast of Cape Lopez in Gabon.
  • Resolution 2
  • The ship captured by the pirate William Moody and used as his flagship.
    It was active in the Caribbean.
  • Keying 8
  • The first Chinese junk trading ship to reach England via the Cape of Good Hope.
  • Alabama 1
  • A battle steamship of the US used primarily in the war to
    sabotage merchant ships and other vessels.
  • Charles II 2
  • A Royal Navy privateer ship
    later came under the command
    of the notorious pirate Henry Avery
    and was renamed the 'Fancy.'
  • Fortune 2
  • One of the ships captured by
    Bartholomew Roberts, the most
    successful pirate of the Golden Age of Piracy.
  • Great Republic 2
  • Launched in 1853, it was the
    world's largest wooden trading ship at the time.
    It was rebuilt after being damaged by fire.
  • Cumberland 2
  • A frigate of the U.S. Navy, built
    in 1824, served as the flagship
    on Mediterranean cruises
  • Great Michael 2
  • A carrack, the largest of its time
    and named after an angel,
    built to reinforce the Scottish Navy.
  • Royal George 2
  • An English ship of the line, built in 1756.
    It was considered the largest warship in the world at that time.
  • Elephant 1
  • A ship of the line built in 1786.
    It served as Nelson's flagship
    during the Battle of Copenhagen.
  • Elite Victory 1
  • A ship of the line built with the prestige of England at stake.
    Reinforced with special materials.
  • Argo Ship 7
  • A gigantic ship that is said to have been taken by the
    Argonauts led by Iason in Greek mythology.
  • Shadow Windjammer
  • The Shadow version of Windjammer
    with excellent sailing and transportation capabilities.
  • Shadow Flying Cloud 2
  • The Shadow version of Flying Cloud
    with excellent sailing and transportation capabilities.
  • Diversion Galleass 1
  • A galleass that excels at fighting to limit the actions of its opponents.
  • Diversion Galleon 1
  • A large sailing ship that excels at fighting to limit the actions of its opponents.
  • Ancient Galley 4
  • A galley made for practical use, based on the structure of ancient ships.
  • Transport Longship 2
  • A ship that prioritizes speed with a supple and elongated hull.
    It has some enhanced transportation capabilities.
  • Patrol Longship 2
  • A ship that prioritizes speed with a supple and elongated hull.
    Advanced navigational performance is achieved.
  • Assault Longship 4
  • A ship that prioritizes speed with a supple and elongated hull.
    It has some enhanced battle capabilities.
  • Transit
  • An innovative sailing ship built
    in 1800 with a design that emphasized speed.
  • Revenge
  • Ship embarked by Teach, better known as Blackbeard.
    Despite its checkered past, its battle capabilities are reliable.
  • Von Hamburg 2
  • A convoy ship of Hamburg.
    It protected the nation's ships from privateers and pirates.
  • Melville 2
  • English ship of the line that was active in areas like Southeast Asia.
  • City of Adelaide 8
  • A sailing ship that acted as a
    transport between England and Australia.
  • Neva 1
  • The sailing ship built in England and used for circumnavigations of the world.
    It made two voyages to the Far East.
  • Ocean 1
  • A French ship of the line.
    It took part in the Glorious First of June, the largest naval battle.
  • Susquehanna 6
  • A sidewheel steam frigate that
    arrived to Japan as a flagship
    for the East India Squadron.
    Dubbed as the 'black ship' in Japan.
  • San Salvador
  • A Spanish adventure ship that,
    in the beginning, explored the American west coast.
  • Peter von Danzig 3
  • A trading ship that belonged to the Hanseatic League of
    German cities. Its home port was the now-Gdansk.
  • Agamemnon 1
  • An English Navy ship of the line that was launched during the
    American Revolutionary War that was active in many naval battles.
  • Pirate Golden Hind 1
  • A galleon said to have been
    captained by a famous pirate.
    Having been improved, it
    gained even higher sailing performance.
  • Marco Polo 1
  • A three-masted clipper ship named after Venetian traveler Marco Polo.
  • Don de Dieu 3
  • French explorer Samuel de Champlain arrived on this ship to have found Quebec.
  • Whydah 12
  • A galley ship active in the Golden Age of Piracy.
    Captured and captained by the pirate Captain Samuel Bellamy.
  • Premium Polacca 1
  • A special polacca.
    Doesn't have much room for
    improvements but its basic
    performance is relatively high.
  • Premium Xebec 1
  • A special xebec with higher
    horizontal sail performance.
    Suitable for long-distance voyage.
  • Trial Mission Barca 1
  • A small sailboat provided for
    Trial Missions. Its performance
    is low due to its simple structure.
  • De Amsterdam 1
  • A cargo ship of the Dutch East India Company.
    It sank in the English Channel with a lot of silver coinage.
  • La Belle 3
  • A French sail ship that reached
    Matagorda Bay in the Gulf of
    Mexico in attempt to explore the New World.
  • Renown 3
  • Originally built in France and
    known as Renommee. It was
    later captured by the Royal
    Navy and renamed as Renown.
  • Premium High Clipper 2
  • A High Clipper that has
    excellent sailing capabilities.
    Built with special improvements.
  • Premium Large Clipper 4
  • A custom-built larger Trading
    Clipper that has excellent
    transport capabilities.
    Built with special improvements.
  • Heavy Assault Frigate 5
  • A custom-built Frigate of the
    American Navy, commissioned
    in the 19th century.
    Built with special improvements.
  • Potosi 7
  • A German trade ship that sailed
    routes between Europe and South America.
  • Zeehaen 2
  • A Dutch adventure ship.
    It's the first European ship to
    reach New Zealand and Tasmania.
  • Vanguard 3
  • A ship of the line of the Royal
    Navy. Engaged in a number of
    battles as a flagship and defended England.
  • Snow Squall 3
  • An American fast clipper. It
    sailed many routes across the
    Pacific Ocean and the South American seas.
  • Cacafuego
  • A Spanish Navy's trade ship
    that sailed routes around the
    South American seas. It was
    later captured by the English
    ship, Golden Hind.
  • Ark Royal 1
  • A Royal Navy galleon used as
    the English flagship with a long
    career of over 50 years.
  • Raid Victoria 1
  • A Victoria with improved
    Durability and Cannon Chambers.
  • Merchant Royal 1
  • An English merchant ship lost
    in rough weather at sea off
    Land's End while carrying a
    large amount of gold and silver.
  • San Jose 3
  • A Spanish galleon which was
    part of the Spanish treasure
    fleet during the War of the
    Spanish Succession. Said to
    have been carrying lots of
    treasures when sunken.
  • Kronan 1
  • A Swedish warship. Sunken at
    the Battle of Oland along with a
    large amount of valuable gold
    coins and weapons.
  • Bounty 3
  • A maritime cargo ship of the
    Royal Navy. The ship was burnt by mutineers.
  • Satisfaction 3
  • An infamous pirate ship that
    has rampaged across the Caribbean.
  • Adventure Galley 2
  • A ship captained by Captain
    Kidd, the notorious privateer.
    The ship travelled thousands
    of miles across the Atlantic
    and Indian Oceans.
  • Atlantica 1
  • A merchant ship built in Portugal.
    It is said to be the same kind of
    ship as the one that first introduced firearms to Japan.
  • Santisima Trinidad 5
  • A Spanish first-rate ship of the
    line, reputed to be the largest
    warship in the world. The ship
    was captured during the Battle of Trafalgar.
  • Victoria 1
  • A Spanish carrack and the first
    ship to successfully
    circumnavigate the world,
    commanded by Ferdinand Magellan.
  • Susan Constant 1
  • One of the three ships from the
    English Virginia Company that
    crossed the Atlantic Ocean to
    reach North America.
  • Maltese Galley
  • A Sovereign Military Order of
    Maltese galley which participated
    in the Battle of Lepanto. A ship
    with the standard structure of a
    galley ship during its prime.
  • San Juan 2
  • A Japanese Western-style
    sailing ship built by Date
    Masamune. It was used to
    transport a Japanese diplomatic
    mission to Europe.
  • Augmented Vaisseau
  • A custom-made Vaisseau.
    It has improved Durability,
    allowing it to withstand even
    more intense battles.
  • Augmented Clipper
  • A custom-made Clipper. It has
    improved sailing capabilities,
    allowing it to sail at higher speeds.
  • Festive Armed Sha-chuan 1
  • An Armed Sha-chuan with
    improved battle capabilities and
    mobility built from special
    panelings for festival purposes.
  • Savanna 6
  • The first steam ship that
    crossed the Atlantic Ocean.
    It can be propelled with both its
    sails or with its steam engine powered wheels.
  • St. Lawrence 3
  • A vaisseau equipped with
    powerful cannons. Functioned
    as a naval ship and sailed in
    Lake Ontario until it retired.
  • Beagle
  • A naval vessel of England that
    even prominent scientists
    boarded. Mainly used to survey
    in South America and Oceania.
  • C.W. Morgan 4
  • An American wooden whaling
    ship constructed in the 19th
    century. A lucky ship that made
    37 voyages without any accident.
  • Assault Frigate 1
  • The American Navy's frigate
    served as nation's flagship
    since the 19th century.
  • Surprise 3
  • A French corvette warship.
    Captured by the English navy
    and later relaunched as their frigate.
  • Thermopylae 1
  • A fast sailing ship constructed
    for the purpose of transporting
    tea from Asia to London.
  • Clermont 25
  • The first steam ship that was
    put into practical use. The ship
    is propelled by the wheels set
    on the sides of the ship.
  • The Solar Barge 1
  • A ship built during the King Khufu's regime in Ancient Egypt.
    Excavated in the Great Pyramid of Giza.
  • Felipe 1
  • A Spanish large galleon. It was used to transport goods back to Spain.
  • Polar Expedition Ketch
  • Bomb Ketch modified for a polar
    exploration purposes, taking
    advantage of its extremely strong hulls.
    It was also competent as a naval ship as well.
  • Dauphin Royal 4
  • A first-class ship of the French
    Navy. Assembled during the
    French Campaign in Egypt and Syria.
  • ???
  • The giant ship believed to have
    transported the Argonauts,
    a group of heroes, led by Jason.
  • Mayflower
  • The ship that transported the
    Puritans, known as the 'pilgrim
    fathers,' to the New World.
  • ???
  • The giant ship believed to have
    transported the Argonauts,
    a group of heroes, led by Jason.
  • Windjammer 5
  • A high-speed ship specifically
    designed for a long-distance
    voyage. Has well-balanced
    capabilities in both strength
    and carrying capacity.
  • Real 3
  • A luxuriously decorated galley
    designed specifically for battle.
    Constructed for the Spanish royal family.
  • ???
  • The giant ship believed to have
    transported the Argonauts,
    a group of heroes, led by Jason.
  • Cutty Sark 8
  • A clipper ship built to be
    the fastest sailing ship in the world.
  • Soleil Royal 9
  • A First Class Vaisseau
    built by France. Characterized
    by its luxurious decorations
    as well as its heavy armament.
  • Prins Willem 5
  • A Dutch armed merchant ship
    built for the trade in
    the East Indies.
    It has both transport
    and battle capabilities.
  • Endeavour 9
  • A former English trade ship.
    It later gained high sailing
    performance and robustness
    after being refitted into
    an adventure ship.
  • Victory 10
  • A ship of line constructed
    with England's national
    pride. It is a first-rate ship
    with an overwhelming battle force.
  • Ghanjah Dhow 14
  • A sailing ship used in the
    Indian Ocean. It is bigger
    than a normal dhow in size
    and has better transport capabilities.
  • Bermuda Sloop 11
  • A highly maneuverable, large
    sloop designed to overcome
    the rough seas around Bermuda.
  • Flying Cloud 24
  • An extreme clipper made in North America.
    Fitted with large auxiliary sails to increase ship speed.
  • Halve Maen 24
  • A large carrack constructed by The
    Netherlands for expansion in North America.

* Some info of this list is advanced and not applied yet on Papayaplay.