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  • Name
  • Description
  • Chef Meister 5
  • The title given to a sailor who has mastered the art of cooking.
    Receive such abilities as auto-produce.
    Able to influence nearby apprentices.
  • Smith Meister 2
  • The title given to a sailor who has mastered the art of casting.
    Receive such abilities as auto-produce.
    Able to influence nearby apprentices.
  • Tailor Meister 1
  • The title given to a sailor who has mastered the art of sewing.
    Receive such abilities as auto-produce.
    Able to influence nearby apprentices.
  • Handicraft Meister 1
  • The title given to a sailor who has mastered the art of handicrafts.
    Receive such abilities as auto-produce.
    Able to influence nearby apprentices.
  • Storage Meister 2
  • The title given to a sailor who has mastered the art of storage.
    Receive such abilities as auto-produce.
    Able to influence nearby apprentices.
  • Alchemist Meister 2
  • The title given to a sailor who has mastered the art of alchemy.
    Receive such abilities as auto-produce.
    Able to influence nearby apprentices.
  • Linguist Meister 1
  • The title given to a sailor who has mastered the art of languages.
    Receive such abilities as auto-produce.
    Able to influence nearby apprentices.
  • Circumliner 2
  • The title given to a sailor who has travelled around the world.
    Receive discounts on costs associated with sailing.
  • Superior Company Membership 4
  • The title given to a sailor who is a member of a powerful company.
    The company will subsidize some of your expenses.
  • Marechal 1
  • The title given to a sailor who has achieved a good record in the Battle Campaigns.
  • Cassador 1
  • The title given to a sailor who has defeated many pirates.
  • Adventurer Graduate 1
  • The title given to a voyager after completing the Adventure Course at the Voyager Academy.
    Job assignments from the Guild may increase.
  • Merchant Graduate 1
  • The title given to a voyager after completing the Merchant Course at the Voyager Academy.
    Job assignments from the Guild may increase.
  • Maritime Graduate 1
  • The title given to a voyager after completing the Maritime Course at the Voyager Academy.
    Job assignments from the Guild may increase.
  • Student 2
  • The title given to a voyager who is currently enrolled
    at the Voyager Academy.
  • Shipwreck Hunter 3
  • Title given to a voyager who has abundant experience
    in raising shipwrecks.
    The rate for obtaining shipwreck map pieces increases,
    and analysis rate occasionally doubles.
  • Quipucamayocs 1
  • Title given be emperor in recognition for activities
    in the Incan Empire.
  • Adept 2
  • Title only given to those with a deep knowledge of
    and advanced skills in alchemy.
    Success rate of experiments increases.
  • Fuigo Bellows 1
  • Title indicating those who fire the furnace
    and burn the bellows to obtain gold.
    Due to their constant attempts to make gold, the production rate of gold has increased.
  • Ocelotl 3
  • Title received from the Jaguar Warrior Captain for efforts
    in the post-conflict of the Aztec Empire.
  • Flower Connoisseur 1
  • Title given to one who's charm has been recognized
    by the barmaids who work in the taverns of each nation's major city.
    Becomes easier to raise friendliness with barmaids.
  • Relic Hunter 10
  • Title that can be claimed by voyagers with
    rich experience in ruin exploration.
    Ruin exploration becomes more advantageous.
  • Trendsetter 1
  • A title given to a seasoned and sensitive fashion expert
    who knows the day's trends inside and out.
    Makes starting a new trend with a Museum exhibit easier.
  • Cultural Contributor 3
  • A title given only to a person who with a keen eye for trends
    and tireless efforts contributes to cultural development.
    Slows reduction in Cultural Contribution rate.
  • Gladiator 2
  • The title of a fighter who risks his life daily in battle.
  • Cranio Espada 5
  • A Title representing a skull and swords,
    a mark for pirates who have earned
    infamy across the entire land.
    This can only be switched to at
    Pirate Island.
  • Professor of Voyages 6
  • A Title given to voyagers who have
    performed research at the college and
    earned high marks in their performance.
  • Pioneer of History 5
  • Title given to adventurers that greatly
    influence cultural or sailing related
    historical events.
  • Minister of History
  • Title given to adventurers that greatly
    influence economic or mercantile
    related historical events.
  • Vanquisher of History 2
  • Title given to adventurers that greatly
    influence military or war related
    historical events.
  • Desafiante 4
  • A title given to the one who
    defeated a Ganador.
    Exp, fame, and a part of
    reward from victory in the
    Ganador Battle increase.
  • World Class Adventurer 1
  • The title of a noted adventurer with accumulated fame
    and extensive experience with discoveries.
    The accuracy of Discovery is increased. This also will affect nearby Apprentices.
  • Fortune Maker 7
  • A master Nanban merchant with extensive trade experience and fame,
    and is an executive of the bank. The profit margin gained by Haggle is increased.
    This also will affect nearby Apprentices.
  • Veteran Admiral 4
  • The title for a famed admiral who has extensive experience subduing many famous generals.
    In NPC fights, the opponents' critical rate is reduced.
    This will also affect nearby Apprentices.
  • Adept of Ages (14th Century)
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    14th century goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (15th Century-P.1) 3
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    15th century 1st chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (15th Century-P.2) 3
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    15th century 2nd chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (15th Century-P.3)
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    15th century 3rd chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (15th Century-P.4)
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    15th century 4th chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (15th Century-P.5)
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    15th century 5th chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (16th Century-P.1) 1
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    16th century 1st chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (16th Century-P.2)
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    16th century 2nd chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (16th Century-P.3)
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    16th century 3rd chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (16th Century-P.4)
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    16th century 4th chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (16th Century-P.5) 2
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    16th century 5th chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (17th Century-P.1)
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    17th century 1st chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (17th Century-P.2)
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    17th century 2nd chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (17th Century-P.3)
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    17th century 3rd chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (17th Century-P.4) 2
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    17th century 4th chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (17th Century-P.5)
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    17th century 5th chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (18th Century-P.1)
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    18th century 1st chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (18th Century-P.2)
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    18th century 2nd chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (18th Century-P.3)
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    18th century 3rd chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (18th Century-P.4)
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    18th century 4th chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Adept of Ages (18th Century-P.5) 1
  • A title reserved for those most learned of the historical era.
    18th century 5th chapter goods can become available,
    and you will be able to challenge the era's notable personages and mysteries.
  • Sea Passage Pioneer 2
  • A title reserved for those great seafarers that have sailed from Europe,
    through the northern passage, to Asia.
  • Relic Chaser 6
  • A title for voyagers who have rich experience exploring ruins.
    It increases the probability that advantageous devices will trigger for you.
  • The Keeper of Secrets 5
  • A title reserved for those who excel at finding hidden rooms in ruins.
    It increases the probability of finding hidden rooms with no opponents.
  • Stargazer 3
  • Title given to person with deep understanding of Astronomy
    and have discovered all twelve zodiacal constellations.
  • Adept of Ages (19th Century) 1
  • A title reserved for those most knowledgeable of
    the historical era.
    19th Century items will become available and
    you may discover secrets and challenge Ganadors
    belonging to that age.
  • Honorary Mayor
  • A title given to those who become the Honorary Mayor
    of a town.
    Rewards gained from the town can be slightly increased.
  • Great Honorary Mayor
  • A title given to those who become the Honorary Mayor
    of multiple towns.
    Rewards gained from the towns can be increased.
  • Legendary Honorary Mayor
  • A title given to those who become the Honorary Mayor
    of many towns.
    Rewards gained from the towns can be substantially increased.
  • San Francisco Mayor
  • A title given to the honorary mayor of San Francisco.
    Rewards gained from the town can be increased,
    and receive preferential treatment to move to San Francisco.
  • Gold Dreamer 2
  • A title given to those who discovered a
    Large Gold Nugget that will be recorded in history.
    The amount of gold nuggets gained increases
    but the cost of mining increases as well.
  • Adept of Ages (B.C.)
  • A title reserved for those most knowledgeable of this historical era.
    Pre-Christian items will become available and you may discover secrets
    and challenge Ganadors belonging to that age.
  • Adept of Ages (Mythical Era)
  • A title reserved for those most knowledgeable of this historical era.
    Mythical-era items will become available, and you may discover secrets
    and challenge Ganadors belonging to that era.
  • Deepseeker 3
  • A title reserved for those who have explored deep within the Labyrinth.
    Stamina reduces at half of the normal rate in the Labyrinth.
  • Seeker of the Unknown 8
  • A title reserved for those who have explored the deepest
    within the Labyrinth. The chance of finding a special room
    in the dungeon increases.
  • Master of Ancient Technologies 5
  • A title reserved for those who have greatly contributed to the nation's Ancient Technology Research.
    Can use the Solar Barge as many times as one likes.
  • Railway King
  • The title given to a person who gave great support
    to a railway company. Increases the level of benefits
    received when large investments are made.
  • Vainqueur 1
  • The title given to a voyager who has left a
    magnificent record in Battle Campaign.
  • Master Breeder 1
  • The title given to those who have mastered the Pet Training Skill.
    Increases the amount of items a Pet can find.
    Also, if it is a character equipment item, its stats may increase.
  • Master of Steam 1
  • The title given to those who are skilled with the structure and usage of the Steam Engine.
    Increases the fuel efficiency of Steam Ships.
  • Ruler of the Sea 1
  • A Title made only for those who stand at the top among countless pirates.
  • Veteran Agent 1
  • A title given to those who have participated in
    many Commercial Battle activities. Increase
    the Merit gained through Commercial Battle.
  • Master Agent 1
  • A title given to those who have obtained extraordinary
    Merit worthy of being a Commercial Battle Agent.
    Increase the Merit gained through Commercial Battle.
  • Great Agent 1
  • A title given to those who have devoted their lives as
    a Commercial Battle Agent.
    Increase the Merit gained through Commercial Battle.
  • World Traverser 3
  • The title given to a great adventurer who achieved extraordinary
    success and fame through making a number of Discoveries.
    Increases the accuracy of Discovery-related Skills.
    Will also apply to nearby Apprentices.
  • Legendary Tycoon 8
  • The title given to a business tycoon who achieved extraordinary
    success and fame through mastering Nanban Trade and becoming
    a Bank's top client. Increases the effect of Haggling (Sell).
    Will also apply to nearby Apprentices.
  • Battle-scarred Hero 1
  • The title given to a great admiral who achieved extraordinary
    success and fame through subduing well-known maritimers.
    The probability of receiving Critical hit decreases during
    a Battle against NPCs. Will also apply to nearby Apprentices.
  • Cannonsmith (Armor-piercing Explosive Shells) 3
  • The title given to those who pursue
    the production method of Armor-piercing Explosive Shells.
    You will be able to gain Expertise on
    'Armor-piercing Explosive Shells,'
    one of the Pursuit Production Categories.
  • Cannonsmith (Fracturing Explosive Shells) 4
  • The title given to those who pursue
    the production method of Fracturing Explosive Shells.
    You will be able to gain Expertise on
    'Fracturing Explosive Shells,'
    one of the Pursuit Production Categories.
  • Chair Craftsman 2
  • The title given to those who have
    passion and insatiable interests in chairs,
    and pursue the essence of craftsmanship.
    You will be able to gain Expertise on
    'Chairs,' one of the Pursuit Production Categories.
  • Bonfire Researcher 2
  • The title given to those who pursue the effects
    of fire on humans, such as keeping yourself warm,
    cooking and protecting yourself from animals.
    You will be able to gain Expertise on
    'Bonfires,' one of the Pursuit Production Categories.
  • Grande 1
  • The title given to those who continue to win the Grande Ganadors.
    EXP, Fame and some of the rewards gained
    when defeating a Ganador will significantly increase.
  • Sound Inventor 5
  • The title given to those who are obsessed with the charm
    of phonographs and continue to develop and improve them.
    You will be able to gain the Expertise of
    the Pursuit Production Category, Phonographs.
  • Aether Seeker 5
  • Aether means 'always bright' and those who seek it also shine.
    You will be able to gain Expertise on 'Aether,' one of the Pursuit Production Categories.
  • International Chef 5
  • Eat cook eat again.
    That is the life of a cook who
    travels the world for the best dish.
    You can obtain Expertise in the
    Pursuit Production Category 'Local Cuisines.'
  • The All-Knowing Voyager 1
  • An accomplished explorer who has made
    numerous discoveries, gaining experience and fame.
    Mediation Permits used to view more Guild requests will be returned.

* Some info of this list is advanced and not applied yet on Papayaplay.