Thief Eyes 1 1
- Easier to enter hidden rooms within Dungeons.
Thief Eyes 2 2
- Small probability of being able
to open the same treasure
chest once again within Dungeons.
Cartographer's Knowledge 1 1
- Map Completion Rate for Sea
Region Investigations and Land
Region Investigations will be increased by 20%.
Hunter's Growth 1
- The maximum Rank of the following skills will become 17:
Biology/Ecological Research
Priest's Growth 1 1
- The maximum Rank of the following skills will become 17:
Priest's Wisdom 1 3
- Will no longer suffer from headaches when Browsing theology books in the Archives.
Fisher's Skills 1
- When successfully catching fish, a small chance that a bonus fish will be caught as well.
Ranger's Growth 1 2
- The maximum Rank of the following skills will become 17:
Ranger's Knowledge 1
- Map Completion Rate for Sea
Region Investigations and Land
Region Investigations will be increased by 20%.
Salvager's Intuition 1
- Small probability of being able
to open a treasure chest once
more when opening treasure
chests from Shipwrecks.
Salvager's Knowledge 1
- After completing a Shipwreck
Map, when opening the
Shipwreck Menu, the waters
containing the Shipwreck will be revealed.
Adv. Mentor's Teachings 1
- Increase the amount of EXP
and Skill Proficiency gained by
Fleet Members in the same
zone when making Discoveries by 30%.
Chef's Growth 1 1
- The maximum Rank of the following skills will become 17:
Cooking/Food Trading
Chef's Skills 1 1
- The amount of materials required for Cooking Production is decreased by 10%. However, at least 1 will be necessary per material.
Trade Merchant's Wisdom 1
- While sailing, the following Trade Goods in the Cargo will be protected from disasters:
Money Trader's Wisdom 1
- While sailing, the following Trade Goods in the Cargo will be protected from disasters:
Precious Metals/Sundries
Jeweller's Growth 1
- The maximum Rank of the following skills will become 17:
Jewelry Trading/Wares Trading
Jeweller's Wisdom 1
- While sailing, the following Trade Goods in the Cargo will be protected from disasters:
Precious Stones/Wares
Art Dealer's Wisdom 1
- While sailing, the following Trade Goods in the Cargo will be protected from disasters:
Alchemist's Wisdom 2 1
- The amount of materials
required for Alchemy
Production is decreased by
10%. However, at least 1 will be
necessary per material. This
skill does not affect Experiment
or Transmutation Alchemy.
Arms Dealer's Growth 1
- The maximum Rank of the following skills will become 17:
Firearms Trading/Weapons Trading
Arms Dealer's Wisdom 1
- While sailing, the following Trade Goods in the Cargo will be protected from disasters:
Millionaire's Wisdom 1
- While sailing, the following Trade Goods in the Cargo will be protected from disasters:
Precious Metals/Fabrics/Crafts
Spice Trader's Wisdom 1 2
- While sailing, the following Trade Goods in the Cargo will be protected from disasters:
Patissier's Growth 1
- The maximum Rank of the following skills will become 17:
Cooking/Luxuries Trading
Patissier's Skills 1 1
- The amount of materials required for Cooking Production is decreased by 10%. However, at least 1 will be necessary per material.
Tailor's Growth 1
- The maximum Rank of the following skills will become 17:
Sewing/Textile Trading
Tailor's Skills 1 1
- The amount of materials
required for Sewing Production
is decreased by 10%. However,
at least 1 will be necessary per material.
Blacksmith's Skills 1 1
- The amount of materials
required for Casting Production
is decreased by 10%. However,
at least 1 will be necessary per material.
Artisan's Growth 1
- The maximum Rank of the following skills will become 17:
Handicrafts/Jewellry Trading
Artisan's Skills 1 1
- The amount of materials
required for Handicrafts
Production is decreased by
10%. However, at least 1 will
be necessary per material.
Sommelier's Growth 1
- The maximum Rank of the following skills will become 17:
Alcohol Trading/Luxuries Trading
Sommelier's Wisdom 1
- While sailing, the following Trade Goods in the Cargo will be protected from disasters:
Alcohol/Luxury Goods
Mer. Mentor's Teachings 1
- Increase the amount of EXP
gained when Fleet Members in
the same zone purchase Trade
Goods and Skill Proficiency
gained when Fleet Members
in the same zone sell Trade Goods by 10%.
Mer. Mentor's Wisdom 1 2
- Effective for the entire Fleet.
When purchasing Trade Goods,
increase the effects of your own
Trading Skills based off of the
amount of Members in your Fleet.
Artificer's Skills 1 1
- The amount of materials
required for Storage Production
is decreased by 10%. However,
at least 1 will be necessary per material.
Pol. Merchant's Negotiation 1 1
- When Investing in a City, increase the amount of
the City's Total Investments and your personal Investments by 10%.
Caravanner's Growth 1
- The maximum Rank of the following skills will become 17:
Livestock Trading/Food Trading
Caravanner's Wisdom 1
- While sailing, the following Trade Goods in the Cargo will be protected from disasters:
Master Alchemist's Skills 1 1
- The amount of materials
required for Alchemy
Production is decreased by
10%. However, at least 1 will be
necessary per material. This
skill does not affect Experiment
or Transmutation Alchemy.
Pharmacist's Growth 1
- The maximum Rank of the following skills will become 17:
Medicine Trading/Mineral Trading
Pharmacist's Wisdom 1
- While sailing, the following Trade Goods in the Cargo will be protected from disasters:
Tea Merchant's Wisdom 1
- While sailing, the following Trade Goods in the Cargo will be protected from disasters:
Luxury Goods
Privateer's Style 1
- After successfully plundering NPC ships, increases the Melee Battle attack power by 10%.
Privateer's Backing 1
- When battling on the seas with
NPC with nation flag on,
increases cannon damage to
enemies and the Melee Battle
attack power by 10%.
Shipwright's Influence 1 3
- When performing Shipbuilding
or Ship Improvements at the
Shipyard Master, the amount of
items received based on the
amount of Ducats spent increases.
Surgeon's Remedy 1 1
- During Battles with NPC,
temporarily increase the Melee
Battle defense power of all
Ships that have been recovered
by your Surgery Skill.
Surgeon's Remedy 2 1
- During Battles with NPC,
temporarily increase the Melee
Battle attack power of all
Ships that have been recovered
by your Surgery Skill.
Tactician's Wisdom 2
- Chance of causing enemy ships
to be flooded when they make
contact with mines during Sea
Battles with NPC.
Pirate's Style 1
- After successfully plundering NPC ships, increases the Melee Battle attack power by 20%.
Pirate's Style 2
- After successfully plundering NPC ships, increases the Melee Battle defense power by 20%.
Grand Admiral's Wisdom 1
- Damage inflicted by mines or
collision attack can only
decrease your ship's Durability
down to 1 during Sea Battles with NPC.
Scout's Growth 1
- The maximum Rank of the following skills will become 17:
Scout's Spying Skills 1 2
- When using the Lookout Skill, the possibility of an NPC attacking your ship will be revealed.
Musketeer's Melee Skills 1
- When using the Gunfire Skill
during Melee Battle with NPC,
the opponent will use the
Guard Skill for their next move.
Filibuster's Style 1 1
- After successfully plundering NPC ships, increases the Melee Battle attack power by 30%.
Filibuster's Style 2 1
- After successfully plundering NPC ships, increases the Melee Battle defense power by 30%.
Guardian's Treatment 1 1
- During Battles with NPC,
temporarily increase the Melee
Battle defense power of all
Ships that have been recovered
by your Surgery Skill.
Guardian's Treatment 2 1
- During Battles with NPC,
temporarily increase the Melee
Battle attack power of all
Ships that have been recovered
by your Surgery Skill.
Mrt. Mentor's Teachings 1 5
- Increase the amount of EXP gained by Fleet Members in the same zone after winning Sea Battles by 10%.
Mrt. Mentor's Wisdom 1 2
- Effective for the entire Fleet.
Increase the number of targets defeated during Naval Battle Quests based off of the amount of Members in your Fleet.
Marine Corps' Melee Skills 1
- When using the Tactics Skill
during Melee Battle with NPC,
the opponent will use the
Gunfire Skill for their next move.
* Some info of this list is advanced and not applied yet on Papayaplay.