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Nanban Trade

Official Guide

South China Backstock / Market Rates / Short distance

Taiwan Island Backstock / Market Rates / Short distance

Korea Backstock / Market Rates / Short distance

Japan Backstock / Market Rates / Short distance

South China

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                  Is dutch calico worthless in namben trade or has just no-one listed it? i wonder...

                  it's very likely that no one listed it , i carry stuff to asia that is not listed and still do good nanban trade :)

                  Id be willing to list more stuff on there that does well in Nanban trading if only there was option to edit/add items.

                  If you register here (blue name) I know you can delete a post, you may be able to edit it as well. Worth a try.

                  With r8 handicrafts, I came with some brandy+raisins to make sherry. It opened the ports at a bit less than 300 units.

                  You can probably make the 1200 or so sherry that you need for opening all four ports (south china, taiwan, japan and korea) by taking 800-900 cargo of brandy + raisins (takes less space to transport - drop all your supplies and recombine them at port). It should be feasible with aide ship in one trip.

                  Other option is to collect rocks somewhere and turn it into glasswork (stone quary book + expert craftman's training book) but you are probably going to spend a lot of time collecting.

                  [Purification FleetA]"> [Purification FleetA]
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                  Gin also works ok to open trade - and all the engridients can be procured at China Southeast Landing Point. Much faster than making glass.

                  Ming Mei
                  oil paintings are great since not many people can mass produce them as they are a r15 hc recipe you can make a bunch while grinding hc to r16 and while grinding management and while getting tons of credits with the last thesis for production then take them i took 900 opened up two ports and i only used 460ish the rest i traded and got 130 song porcelain and im not even using the nanban 3:3 ratio item or a ship with nanban skill so its a pretty solid trade good in all of the ports

                  a high line on the backstock means they have very little of it, so for example, japan... alcohol usually has a low line, so bring them alcohol.

                  conversely if the line is high that too is good but in reverse. A high line on the backstock means they have a lot of it... example - fibres (feathers, flax etc.) they never want it because thier fibers line is always high... BUT it also means that when you're doing the exchange, they'll have more of it

                  so... what you want to do is look at your trade skills and the backstocks. find a low line and bring them that type good. find a high line that matches one of your higher ranked trading skills (for me that would be wares or fibres) and when you trade in the stuff from the low line, you take the stuff from the high line. Every port has at least 1 of every type of trade good, depending on what you have unlocked, some have 2.. so just a teensy bit of planing, and bam you're set to go...

                  i wish all of you luck

                  check the OGPlanet forum(guide section)
                  There is a good nanban trading guide there. It's very detailed with diagrams and screenshots, it explains just about everything.

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                  Ratio to Artwork I found.

                  Marble Scupture: 33.33 %
                  Oil Paintings: 33.33 %
                  Wood Sculpture: 11.5 %
                  Bronze Sculpture: 11.5 %

                  If you give 300 of each thing, they give you

                  The ration for Copper Ore is 29%
                  The max products you can get with 1000 copper ore is 290 in my case between Basjoo and Doubanjiang

                  Both ratios in Macau

                  Sweet Bean Paste does not trade well at all. 500 would not get me even one item.

                  this is unbalanced system I mean compare to Japan other countries not profitable, easy/fast load (wine) and so on

                  how many po i need to load marbles for example or any other thing that will work 1:1 compare that with how many po i need to load wine ....

                  they want all people just to do trades in japan if you want easy/cheap load/less po use/more profitable trade
                  I hope they balance Nanban system to be balanced so all the 4 countries have something easy and fast to load like wine

                  How many POs depends on your trade skill rank. If you work your trade skills up to rank 15 and refine them, then you can load up with 0 POs.

                  Where's the challenge in a game where everything is quick and easy...

                  look all of the main 4 EA countries need a trade goods best for each of them and 'as EASY to get as getting wine for japan'

                  There are different ways to achieve balance. One is to have items have the same prices which is what TopGuns is looking at. The other way is to change how many of an item you can get or how long it takes to acquire it.

                  The existance of NPC is what breaks this balance as it allows an area like Japan to offer top exchange rates for the highest price goods long after the saturation point should have been reached.

                  Which is a shame.

                  @Egw - you said if you refine your trading skills you could load up with 0 PO, can you elaborate on that?
                  I thought when you refine you would get a permanent boost, +1 or +2, cant remember.
                  Is there another perk for refining?

                  When you refine a skill, you do get a permanent +2 and indeed you get some additional perk which differs from skill to skill. For trading skills, that additional perk works like a vigour-costly "mini PO". Effectively, while you have vigour food or enjoy trips to the port tavern, bye bye POs bye bye port resets (for the particular type of goods, eg foods, alcohol etc). I'll try to post link to the official UWO forum where skill refining was discussed for more details, but not sure I'll succeed, usually ivyro removes links.


                  using oxford skill you can get +2 alcohol + others trading without any PO
                  so if you base rank is r10 with no boosts your base rank will be 10+2 with oxford skill. if you have +2 ornament, +1 clothes, +1 job and +1 aide, you can reach upto r 17 alcohol trading. u will still need PO if you want to sit in one city and buy all the alcohol you need.

                  As of January 2nd, 2018, the Sweet Bean Paste is not accepted by the nanban trader. Don't make my mistake of procuring Azuki beans from China Souteast and spending PO1 on Sugar in Manila: you will produce them for nothing

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