Karnak & Luxor Temples
Upper Floors
Middle Floors
Lower Floors
City of the living 13
Hathor Statue Upper Floors
Feast in Luxor 21
Djed Pillar 5 Middle Floors
Book of Ennead 24 (Key item - Pyramids of Giza Lower Floors)
Amun Statue 3 Lower Floors
Medication 4
Fine Ruby 3
Lapis Lazuli 2
Silver 3
Gold Thread 5
Ivory 5
Ivory Work 9
Tyrian Purple 3
Cat's Eye 1
Marble Sculpture 3
Topaz 2
Amber 4
Amulet written in Hieroglyphs





Ankhesenamen Brooch 6
Nefertiti Brooch 6
Divine Beast's Amulet 1
Silver Tarot 86
Master's Smithy Tools 94
Fine Ruby 3
Rusty Treasured Sword 6
Gold 11
Silver 3
Gold Thread 5
Goldwork 2
Isis' Talisman 9
Treasures of Luxor
A record of treasure that can be found in the dungeons ruins of Luxor.
Luxor Explorer Award
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]03-17-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]03-17-2013
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Port Official
got upper at first time no qmp and second i got it with 7k fame 3 qmp

luxor and giza mid are 5k fame confirmed by deckhand

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]04-07-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]04-07-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]04-07-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]10-27-2013
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you need the Temple amulet from upper floor to unlock middle floor, that book from lower unlocks Giza or smtg.

trying to get the stuff for the memorial album really sucks now days. you can spend 3 real life days in a lvl of the dungeon and not get any of them that are listed for them floors. such as the two brooches and the isis tailsman is suppose to be in the middle lvl floors and still havent gotten any of them after three days of trying grrrrrrrrrrrr

Make sure you have the ruin explorer title equipped

Also check to make sure your inventory isn't full before you run dungeons (I usually have at least 3-4 free spaces before doing so). Otherwise you wont get any item drops.

Ming Mei
i got the relic hunter for a title , and i get all kinds of silver tarot cards , master smithy tools and fine rubies but them are not what i came here for.

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]03-16-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]07-26-2014
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Found Adventurer's shoes in hidden passage.
Adventure-type job only
Yes, looks like these ones :)
Has anyone managed to get the Statue of Cleopatra discovery in Lower Luxor? I cant get it to show up. What did you do exactly to get it?
I've found (with some friends) every Luxor hidden room discovery BUT Cleopatra. Two Japanese bloggers have had interesting times trying to find it as well:
I'd be interested in knowing what methods others have used to find it.
Eh, so! Has anybody found that Cleopatra discovery yet? My comp mates and I, we've done well getting every one but that so far... I was kinda wonderin' if it might've snuck into the game after the last patch.
What I have confirmed so far:
The Annals of Thutmose the 3rd - hidden passage from f5 and f6
Statue of Sekhmet - hidden passage from f9 and f11
Statue of Pharaoh Hatshepsut - hidden passage from f9 and f11
Statue of Cleopatra - hidden passage from f11 and f12
Does Upper Hidden Room has disco? gave up after a bunch of tries while Middle I got at the first try. From Destry1's comment if the first is "The Annals of Thutmose the 3rd" in f5/f6, means Upper doesn't have any. Just to confirm if anyone got a disco from Upper?
There's no discovery in the hidden passage ways on Luxor upper. "The Annals of Thutmose the 3rd" discovery you got is indeed found only in Luxor mid. The 3 others can be found in Luxor lower, although Statue of Cleopatra discovery is very rare to get.
Statue of Pharaoh Hatshepsut - found this on floor 9 hidden room (3 chests) after many tries. Did not clear all the traps successfully so had to fight, but found memo from chest (flashed). Most of the time floor 9 leads to the Sekhmet hidden room (2 chests)
Correction: it was a room with 5 chests (2 on both sides, 1 in center)
Statue of Cleopatra - found this on floor 13 (blue orb puzzles all cleared), memo from chest leading to hidden room (3 chests in the center), after many many tries. Keeper of Secrets was active but doubt it really matters. On the same run, 2 chest hidden room was found earlier on floor 9 (maybe this matters?)
If the title works as advertised (more hidden rooms without enemies likely to generate), it probably helps a little. The rest is seemingly RNG-based due to our lack of understanding of how the system runs. Thanks for the tips.
Even with the title, just have to consider it "very rare" as others have observed. archivedforum.papayaplay.com/index.php?p=/discussion/367878/dungeon-hidden-room-discovery suggests that all 3 discoveries are possible on floor 9, but out of all the discovery rooms I gotten across all floors, this is the breakdown: 5 chest (1 time), 3 chest (1 time), 2 chest (far too many), should give an idea on this "rarity"..
A fast clear on floor 9 often leads to dark passage (shortcut that can skip up to floor 15 sometimes, with or without coin shop), so some tried to wait it out, while on deeper floors the treasure room (with blue orb puzzles) is more likely. Both make it harder to get the specific discovery room. My own take is still try to clear fast and find the memo from chest, and hope for the correct room.
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