Mobile Korean Japanese Taiwanese English Chinese

World Map

Create an Account
Memorial Album
-Archive Maps

Zones Dungeons
-Cities -Port Permits
-Liners -Shipwrecks

Trade goods
Nanban Trade
-South China
-Taiwan Island

Recipes -Florentine
-Advanced Alchemy

Ships -Ship Parts
-FS -FS Parts

Skills University
-Special Skills




  • Name
  • Description
    • Accounts
    • You will be able to negotiate prices and see the nearby towns' market rates.
                                              • Cooking
                                              • Groceries can be made into dishes.
                                                • Sewing
                                                • Tradable ingredients can be made into clothing.
                                                  • Casting
                                                  • Tradable industrial products can be manufactured into weapons.
                                                    • Caution
                                                    • To guard against enemy at sea and not fall for an Ambush.
                                                      • Body Language
                                                      • You can converse with people on the street without knowing their language.
                                                        • Frugality
                                                        • Reduces the consumption of Water and Food provided to Sailors as well as the cost of hiring Sailors.
                                                          • Storage
                                                          • In case of shipwreck or being looted, damage can be somewhat eased.
                                                            Preserved food can be made.
                                                            • Sociability
                                                            • Talking with people holding high positions becomes easier.
                                                              Reduce the chance of failure in price negotiations.
                                                              • Escape
                                                              • Stop fighting during a sea battle and flee at full speed.
                                                                • Handicrafts
                                                                • Tradable material such as wood can be fashioned into another tradable item such as a work of art.
                                                                  • Alchemy
                                                                  • A chemical technique of refining materials to turn them into gold.
                                                                    • Management Technique
                                                                    • High level methods of management bring about the effective use of equipment on special vessels.
                                                                      • Merchandise Knowledge
                                                                      • Utilize vast and deep knowledge of
                                                                        Merchandise and increase effectiveness of
                                                                        Item-type Techs.