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Original Ship

  • Name
  • Required Skill
  • Description
  • Required Permit
      • Casting Net 8
      • 2
      • Strengthen the fish catch whilst at sea. Also increases the discovery of flotsam.
      • 1
        • Recreation Room 8
        • 3
        • Heighten the effect of musical performances and banquets at sea.
        • 1
          • Aide's Cabin 20
          • 7
          • Facilitates Aide's growth while sailing on the sea.
          • 2
                      • Improved Hold 23
                      • 8
                      • You will completely protect your trade goods from enemy plunder.
                      • 3
                        • Galley 14
                        • 5
                        • Raise the success of cooking and storage at sea. Ease food consumption and Fatigue.
                        • 2
                          • Workshop 24
                          • 7
                          • Raise the success of sewing, casting, and production of industrial arts, whilst at sea.
                          • 2
                                      • Heavy Bombing 31
                                      • 2
                                      • Reduce the speed of the enemy ship.
                                        Only effective for normal shot.
                                      • 1
                                        • Explosive Shell 14
                                        • 6
                                        • Create chaos aboard the enemy ship.
                                          Only effective for grape shot.
                                        • 1
                                                • Secret Blast 37
                                                • 3 4
                                                • Blow up the enemy ship's ammunition store during Melee Battles.
                                                  Higher performance than usual.
                                                • 1
                                                  • Set Fire 20
                                                  • 2 1
                                                  • Cause a major fire on the enemy ship by striking it when your own ship is on fire.
                                                  • 1
                                                      • Repair Support 24
                                                      • 3 2
                                                      • Increase restoration value of repairs for all allies during sea battle.
                                                      • 2
                                                          • Medical Support 7
                                                          • 7 7
                                                          • Increase the restoration rate from surgery during sea battle.
                                                          • 1
                                                              • Drainage Pump 9
                                                              • 3 3
                                                              • Stop leaks, regular and large, on your own ship.
                                                              • 1
                                                                    • Deck Barrier 95
                                                                    • 5 8
                                                                    • Increases the probability of
                                                                      evading in Deck Battles
                                                                      against enemy ships. Also
                                                                      gives a stronger advantage in
                                                                      Deck Battles.
                                                                    • 2

                                                                      Ship's icon looks like 2nd age ship......
                                                                      1120 base dura this better be Iron base material otherwise NM/CJ is really pumping next generation ships out wayyyyyyyyyy too fast...

                                                                      Turn/Wave are unbelievly high and Dura/Armor are decent it's gotta be Iron oh please oh please!

                                                                      1120+22 isn't so high

                                                                      do you even know what you are looking at? 1120 + 22+250 is the number you should be considering. that's 1394, just a hair under afcv and fis, and with 13 turn performance base and 10 WR, that's a beast of a ship.

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                                                                      2nd age will all be about fusion, basically combing 2 NC ships to form a great ship. players who atm say yeah HSFCV is great in many ways but lacks crew and armour, will be void arguements in the future, i know of a 2nd age HSFCV that has been fused with another NC ship to create 1478 dura, higher speeds, 123 armour with +18 platings, 22 turn, 163 crew WMB+APN+IGP as optional HB as original. type 'fusedhsfcv' at the end of tunyurl link

                                                                      lol i missed my point, dont look at ships here thinking theyre average or think that its a good but something lacks, 2nd age will combine ships to make it great, its really costly however.

                                                                      [Purification FleetA]"> [Purification FleetA]
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                                                                      Ming Mei
                                                                      yeah i still dunno if fusing will be added to GAMA, already had some players say it ruin the game, the fused are on korean server, but they also still have the forging tools in item shop.

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                                                                      from ogp site...the base panel would be iron
                                                                      non astros one La Couronne

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                                                                      Was also thinking the same thing but everyone I asked in the game doesn't know. So I checked OG website and saw someone exchanging his MSupF 8/8 for a ticket (forum marketplace). I guess seems fair as it has more dura, sails, and sailors compared to MSupF. IF indeed that is the case a ticket should be around 14-16b and a modded one is 17-19b (depends on how it is modded) but should not reach 20b+. Not that inline with FIs, HSFCV, etc. Just my two cents...

                                                                      Mixed opinions on this ship. Seems to be pretty rare for starters. The skills are a little lack luster but the stats are pretty impresive. Ive recieved alot of fairly high offers for ticket and pathetic lowball offers aswell but thats expected. The same people that lowball and say they have one I come back double there offer to take their ticket of their hands and they decline. Only time will tell I guess but ill hold onto it until theres some what a definitive answer.

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