Increases the probability of evading in Deck Battles against enemy ships. Also gives a stronger advantage in Deck Battles.
Alrn 01-17-2019
Another new battle-ship "Satisfaction", based on Henry Morgan's sailing ship. Buildable in London or Jamaica with Large 2-decked Hull. Stats, level requirements, and skill set already updated in this ivyro.
Comes from Order of the Prince Chapter 3 Honor in 23th January 2019.
Wsp 02-01-2019
This is NOT buildable in Jamaica, only London. No idea where PP got their info. Jamaica doesn't even have a SY lol. It will cost 60m initially to build as Iron and to change -20% another 12m. Beautiful looking ship I must say. Size is slightly smaller than a Razee Frigate.
Gudebuddha 11-25-2021
With Chapter 2: Rhodes and Ephesus the level req. changed to: