Santisima Trinidad
A Spanish first-rate ship of the line, reputed to be the largest warship in the world. The ship was captured during the Battle of Trafalgar.
Increases the probability of evading in Deck Battles against enemy ships. Also gives a stronger advantage in Deck Battles.
Alrn 01-05-2019
good lord they already translated the new ships up to Chapter 2
Delaine 01-19-2019
instresting ship in terms of sail stats
Alrn 01-26-2019
When i looked over Update section on ivyro main, i used translated as english, and this ship name accidentally changed to 'Holy Trinity' which is probably an English version name or translation of 'Santisima Trinidad'.
Viktor 02-17-2019
Can be Built in Seville, with a Large 3-Decked Hull, After proper investment
Gudebuddha 11-25-2021
With Chapter 2: Rhodes and Ephesus the level req. changed to: