Original Ship
- Name
- Required Skill
- Description
- Required Permit
Casting Net 8
2 - Strengthen the fish catch whilst at sea. Also increases the discovery of flotsam.
- 1
Recreation Room 8
3 - Heighten the effect of musical performances and banquets at sea.
- 1
Aide's Cabin 20
7 - Facilitates Aide's growth while sailing on the sea.
- 2
Shipwright's Quarters 12
10 - Lessen the consumption of Durability of ship parts due to use and disaster.
- 3
Sail Sewing Skill 13
10 - Automate sail repair. Lessen damage to sails during battle.
- 1
Improved Hold 23
8 - You will completely protect your trade goods from enemy plunder.
- 3
Galley 14
5 - Raise the success of cooking and storage at sea. Ease food consumption and Fatigue.
- 2
Workshop 24
7 - Raise the success of sewing, casting, and production of industrial arts, whilst at sea.
- 2
Heavy Bombing 31
2 - Reduce the speed of the enemy ship.
Only effective for normal shot.
- 1
Explosive Shell 14
6 - Create chaos aboard the enemy ship.
Only effective for grape shot.
- 1
Special Smoke Bomb 18
10 - Stop skills in use by the enemy.
Only effective for smoke bombs.
- 1
Intensive Charge 22
5 - Increases load speed by 50% when sails are being folded.
- 1
Secret Blast 37
4 - Blow up the enemy ship's ammunition store during Melee Battles.
Higher performance than usual.
- 1
Set Fire 20
1 - Cause a major fire on the enemy ship by striking it when your own ship is on fire.
- 1
Repair Support 24
2 - Increase restoration value of repairs for all allies during sea battle.
- 2
Medical Support 7
7 - Increase the restoration rate from surgery during sea battle.
- 1
Drainage Pump 9
3 - Stop leaks, regular and large, on your own ship.
- 1
Sea Mine Search 16
6 - Automate detection of enemy sea mines during battle.
- 2
Deck Barrier 95
8 - Increases the probability of
evading in Deck Battles
against enemy ships. Also
gives a stronger advantage in
Deck Battles.
- 2
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what the hell are you talking about? i've but a workshop on several of these and you DO NOT leave a part out of the build.. this poor thing only has 4 improvements as it is, you cannot afford to miss out on one single improvement spot.

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]04-05-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]04-05-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]04-06-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]06-06-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]06-06-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]06-06-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]06-06-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]11-16-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]12-06-2014
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if I want to add workshop on this BTC, I need a workshop FS part for sure.what about the other 3 slots. Do I have to leave them empty or put whatever I want?
For Workshop skill itself you don't need any other part, so you could leave all other slots empty, but you will need sail at least - because you can not make a mod without sail :)
If theres no other parts listed then you can add whatever you want to it. But considering that BTCs only has 4 slot improvements, some find it desirable just to add one ship skill (almost always EA), and fill in the rest with parts that increase Wave resistance, turning speed, etc. If you really want another ship skill you can add one on with optional ship skil, and/or try your hand with ship fusion to add one.
Its is possible to add nanban trade skill or aide cabin skill with ship fusion? If it is possible what requeriments or qualities do the material ship need to have to get any of those skills?
Is it possible to add any of those skill if the BTC already have an existent original skill?
yes DPiano you can add any ONE of those skills, since BTC can have aides cabin as OSP i would go with namban but up to you, you need a heavy material ship which has the skill (a Tarukaisen with namban for example) and it would be better if the BTC is g0.
the ship having or not an OSP does not matter for fusion, but as far as i know you can inherit only one skill.
What happens when you remove sailors from aide ship and left a few, lest that the required sailors? Does that affect you? I mean, if you ship if above of required sailors or full but you aide ships is below required sailors, it affect your sailing? Does it make you ship slower even if yours if full of sailors?
There will be a small but noticeable decrease in speed if your aide ship doesn't meet the minimum required sailor count.
it doesn't. I tested it same route same season. same cargo. same knots..
it will on players... but in aide it really doesn't
Say what you will, but me and several of my in-game friends have tested this and have noticed a difference. I noticed a 10 day decrease in time it takes to get from Asia to Europe with the "right" amount of aide ship crew than with not. So...

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]06-13-2016
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I have, as well. It seems strange that the rule of minimum sailors would not apply to aide ships as well.
Well you need to test same route, same way, same cargo, same season, etc but different sailor numbers. I did a small test ago but it was when NM implemented aide ships; my test was same route (5 minutes between ports) with diferent number sailors on aide ship, the result: the required sailors amount on your aide ship will afect you even if your ship if above requied sailors.
That was long ago, I dont know if it is still in effect nowadays.
Can someone do some testing and share results with us?

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]06-14-2016
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]06-14-2016
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]06-14-2016
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Ok, guys, as promised here are the results:
I tested a ships several times under controlled, frecuent ambient, I sailed it on a region with low to none chance to get a disaster at sea that may alter the result, I used autosail to use same route, same path everytime and have a precise measurement.
With sailors equal or above required number on both ships:
From Seville to Genoa: 8 Minutes
From Genoa to Seville: 9 Minutes
With sailors equal or above required on my ship but only 1 sailor on aide ship:
From Seville to Genoa: 10 Minutes
From Genoa to Seville: 11 Minutes
Well, it seems aide sailors below required # DOES affect your sailing a bit. For my tests I used my alt ship and the difference of speed is clearly noticeable, it increased sailing time aprox. 20%; maybe with other ships and different wheather and regions results may vary but everywhere you will get a speed reduction.
Sorry for bad english.
Interesting data , i also thought that the affected sailing speed was around 15%~20%
Note that as this ship can only be made in teak by the use of a teak panel there can be only 1 other part used. The teak panel has to fill the second spot. And to have EA the sail will have to be a large gaff, large latin or square are not an option. So the parts list for your requested build would be large flush hull+large gaff sail + antifouling paint + teak panel.
when you build the ship if you use the gaff sail and the antifouling paint, do you get the ea or does that have to be done as mod once it is built?
There was an update to the sb system. Now you add skills independently from mods once you have the ship in your inventory. I think the materials you need are the same for EA.
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