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  • Name
  • Description
  • Spain
  • Capital: Seville
    After recapturing its land from the Muslims (Reconquista), Spain shifted its focus to conquering the seas and became one of Europe's most powerful nations.
  • Portugal
  • Capital: Lisbon
    Using its position in the west to its advantage, this nation proved itself as a leader in navigation by being the first in Europe to reach India.
  • Venice
  • Capital: Venice
    A republic which has enjoyed dominance in Mediterranean trade over several hundred years.
  • France
  • Capital: Marseille
    A powerful nation ruled by an absolute monarchy. However, their seafaring lags behind rival nations.
  • The Netherlands
  • Capital: Amsterdam
    A budding nation grown wealthy from trade. They fight for their independence from Spain.
  • England
  • Capital: London
    A poor island nation striving to greatness under their queen. They are strengthening their navy in order to fend off Spain.
  • Ottoman Empire
  • Capital: Istanbul
    A massive Islamic empire that possesses tremendous power. Its territories stretch from the Balkan peninsula parts of Asia Minor, Syria, and North Africa.
  • Holy Roman Empire
  • Capital: Frankfurt

    A German Federation made up of many territories.

    Has the special distinction of being where the Emperor is elected.
  • Genoa
  • Major City: Genoa
    Capital of a Trading Republic in the Mediterranean from the time of the crusades. Once, its influence stretched to the Black Sea.
  • Sweden 4
  • Major City: Stockholm

    Founded by Vikings in ancient times, this strong Baltic nation has since gone though many reforms.
  • Russia 82
  • Because all ports around the base of St. Petersburg are frozen over, overseas travel has been delayed. In recent years modernization has been completed successfully, and expansion toward the Black and Baltic Seas has commenced.

* Some info of this list is advanced and not applied yet on Papayaplay.