Official guide
Special Skills

Basic Research Bldg : Research room available from the beginning. Allows initial research. (Submissions 0)
- Major : Name - Description - Thesis Theme (Confirm Research building/Major)
- Acquisition Requirements : Submissions - Skill Condition (choose one) *Corrected Value not applicable - Special Conditions
- Research Action : Description - Reported #Pages/Required #Pages
- Research Results(Acquisition) : Credits - Exp and Fame - Special Skill
Handling Techniques 1
- Research into operating a ship.
- Thesis Theme
Sailing Nearby Seas
- Normal Voyaging : Make a voyage on the high seas.(short distance)
10 / 100
Trade Tech 1
- Research into trade techniques and
barter methods.
- Thesis Theme
Profit from Markets and Market Prices
- Profitable Trade : Achieve over 100,000 D in profit from a single trade.
10 / 100
Artillery Tech 1
- Research into naval artillery battles.
- Thesis Theme
Relation Between Angle of Fire and Wind Direction
- Bombardment : A member of your fleet sinks an enemy ship with cannons.
10 / 300
Credits Acquisition
Battle EXP300 Battle Fame150
Gunnery Aid 1
Scholarship Orientation
- A meeting to explain the best way to
spend your time at the university wisely.
- Thesis Theme
Showing your Desire as a Up-coming Voyager
- Normal Voyaging : Make a voyage on the high seas.(short distance)
10 / 500
- Profitable Trade : Achieve over 100,000 D in profit from a single trade.
50 / 500
- Bombardment : A member of your fleet sinks an enemy ship with cannons.
50 / 500
Credits Acquisition
Adventure EXP100 Trade EXP100 Battle EXP100 Adventure Fame50 Trade Fame50 Battle Fame50
Scholarship Recognition 13
Investigations 1
- Research into investigative techniques.
- Thesis Theme
Basics of Field Study
- Discover Discoveries (R3) : Make discoveries for quests and maps with a required skill rank of 3 or greater.
10 / 50
Credits Acquisition
Adventure EXP300 Adventure Fame150
Search Aids 1 4
Basic Prod. Tech 1
- Research into basic production.
- Thesis Theme
Practicing Practical Production
- Basic Production : Perform cooking, sewing, casting, storage, or handicrafts production.
10 / 1000
Daily Item Trade 1
- Research into trading every day goods.
- Thesis Theme
The Bread and Butter of Selling Necessities
- Buy Trade Good (1 Type) : Purchase trade goods associated with Food, Seasonings, Livestock, Medicine and Sundries.
10 / 2400
Ship Repair Tech 1
- Research into repairing, strengthening
and building ships.
- Thesis Theme
Treatise on Ship Construction
- Ship Repair : Repair your ship.
10 / 400
Nat. Science/Humanity 1
- Research into the natural sciences
and humanities.
- Thesis Theme
On the History of Humanity and the Birth of Life
Submissions 2
- Discover Discoveries (R1) : Make discoveries for quests and maps with a required skill rank of 1 or greater.
10 / 30
Field Techniques 1
- Research into activities performed in
the field.
- Thesis Theme
Basics of outdoor activities and wild creatures
- Field Activities : Obtain trade goods through procurement, fishing, and collection.
10 / 1000
Credits Acquisition
Adventure EXP50 Trade EXP20 Adventure Fame25 Trade Fame10
Field Activities 1 4
Factory Trade 1
- Research into trading items primarily
used in factories.
- Thesis Theme
Producing Raw Mats & the Processing Industry
- Buy Trade Good (2 Type) : Purchase trade goods associated with Alcohol, Dyes, Ores, Wares and Luxury Goods.
10 / 1800
Individual Tactics 1
- Research into individual techniques
and tactics in battle.
- Thesis Theme
Pirating Techniques - Improtance of Plundering
Submissions 2
- Practicing Plunder : Plunder an enemy on land or on sea. *Vs. Battle(PvP) not applicable.
10 / 150
Credits Acquisition
Battle EXP300 Battle Fame175
Plunder Aid 1 1
Land Battle Tech 1
- Research into battle on land.
- Thesis Theme
Today and Yesterday of Fighting
Submissions 3
College event conditions
- Land Battle : Any member of your fleet defeats an enemy in land battle. *Duels not applicable.
10 / 200
Luxury Item Trade 1
- Research into trading in standard luxury
- Thesis Theme
Effects of Luxury on Spirit - Dreams and Ideals
Submissions 3
College event conditions
- Buy Trade Good (3 Type) : Purchase trade goods associated with Fibres, Fabrics, Arms, Firearms, Artwork and Crafts.
10 / 1200
Melee Tech 1
- Research into individual naval battles.
- Thesis Theme
Strategy on Deck
- Melee Battle : A member of your fleet sinks an enemy ship using melee. *Deck Battle not applicable. *Vs. Battle(PvP) not applicable.
10 / 150
Colony Dev. Tech
- Research on the most efficient sequence
of activities when developing a colony.
- Thesis Theme
Efficient Colonization and Development
Submissions 3
College event conditions
- Dev. Colony/Private Land : Develop your colony, private farm, or room.
10 / 100
Credits Acquisition
Adventure EXP100 Trade EXP100 Battle EXP100 Adventure Fame50 Trade Fame50 Battle Fame50
Secrets of Development 1
Upper Class Trade 1
- Research into trading in luxury items
that draw the interest of rich merchants
and the nobility.
- Thesis Theme
Noble Purchases
- Buy Trade Good (4 Type) : Purchase trade goods associated with Spices, Precious Metals, Fragrances, and Precious Stones.
10 / 600
Patrolling Tech 1
- Research on safe voyaging.
- Thesis Theme
Mastering the Seas - Past and Present
Submissions 4
College event conditions
- Patrolling : Voyage using the Caution or Lookout skills.
10 / 500
Credits Acquisition
Adventure EXP50 Trade EXP50 Battle EXP50 Adventure Fame25 Trade Fame25 Battle Fame25
Reduced Assaults 1 8
Danger Management 1
- Research into managing danger.
- Thesis Theme
Dangers of Long Voyages and Survival Hints
Submissions 5
College event conditions
- Long Range Voyaging : Make a voyage on the high seas.(long distance)
10 / 40
Handling Tactics 1
- Research into maneuvering in the mids
of a naval battle.
- Thesis Theme
Maneuvering in a Sea Battle
Submissions 6
College event conditions
- Attack Tactics : A member of your fleet sinks an enemy ship using mines or a ram. *Vs. Battle(PvP) not applicable.
10 / 100
Special Prod. Tech
- Research on the special production
of Florence.
- Thesis Theme
Preserving the Artisans of Florence
Submissions 6
College event conditions
- Advanced Production : Perform advanced production.
10 / 50
Rescue Tech 1
- Research on swift and accurate rescue.
- Thesis Theme
Saving Sailors, A Battle with Time
Submissions 7
College event conditions
- Practicing Resque : Use the Rescue or Surgery skills.
10 / 100
Understanding People 1
- Research on the words and actions
that grab people's hearts.
- Thesis Theme
Reading the Situation
Submissions 7
College event conditions
- Practicing Exchange : Improve relations with one of the Tavern Maids.
10 / 100
Special Prod. Tech 1
- Research into special production.
- Thesis Theme
(G.T.)The track record of high production
Submissions 8
College event conditions
- (G.T.)special Production : Perform linguistic, or alchemy production.
10 / 100
Shipwreck History
- Research into ship passages and
shipwreck histories.
- Thesis Theme
100 Years of Shipwrecks
Submissions 9
- Search Shipwreck : Complete investigations on shipwrecks.
10 / 10
Credits Acquisition
Adventure EXP600 Trade EXP100 Battle EXP100 Adventure Fame300 Trade Fame50 Battle Fame50
Raising Hints 1
Arena Tactics
- Research on warrior patterns and tactics
in the Coliseum.
- Thesis Theme
Observations on Arena Fighters and Strategies
Submissions 9
College event conditions
- Coliseum Victory : Win a match at the Coliseum.
10 / 200
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]11-28-2013
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[Purification FleetA]11-28-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]11-28-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]12-22-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]01-15-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]02-05-2014
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Meng Meng
When does the Treasure Hunt theme changes? I heard its every 4th of the month

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]02-08-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]02-14-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]02-19-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]03-20-2014
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the college skills laying efficiency 1&2 from the thesis handling tactics 2 seems to be missing....
New Research: Investiogations 3
Name Re-evaluating Discoveries -Hidden Values-
Require #Pages 100
Total Credits 3.000
Credits to use it 4.500
Discover Discoveries (R3) 1
Rediscovering Discoveries 3
Discovery EA discoveries 3
Hide quests you already did.
Can anyone tell me how to unlock land region investigations? The Professor says something about discovering ruins near Candia before I can do it.
Land Survey Qualification Checklist (as determined via OGP site data and fellow adventurers' findings):
Graduate Intermediate School in Adventure, Trade, or Battle; visit Mercator in Amsterdam and begin World Atlas quest (Charting of North Sea required; cannot be done until Intermediate Course graduation... obviously)
Legend of the Labyrinthos
Unlock East Asia Port Permits; obtain first four Northeast Passage Arctic Port Permits via Mercator (EA Permits and charted North Sea required... obviously)
These steps can be done in any order you please, unless otherwise noted. Once all the aforementioned tasks are met, visit the Professor in Oxford and accept the Land Surveying quest from him; charting of West Candia AND Inner Crete are mandatory. Afterward, return to Oxford, and you can now chart land zones in any order you like. This also opens up access to the Atlantis chain, beginning with the quest, "Land of the Legendary King"...
Since the Professor's already telling you to discover ruins near Candia, the Knossos Palace discovery quest is probably all you need at this point. Recognition, Collection, Surveying and to a certain degree, Procurement skills (or items that mimic them) WILL be required for land charting. It goes a lot faster if you can work with friends, or at least an alt. I find having the skills (especially Collection) works better in the long run than continually having to restock items, but YMMV.
How do I Acquire Rescue Tech 1, I have 250 Thesis Submissions, Graduated College Thx
Apparently you need to have First Aid, Surgery, or Rescue skill at R2; the next time you speak to the Professor at Oxford once those conditions are met, the thesis should be unlocked. If that doesn't work, let us know. Cheers.
Efficient Ship construction Oxford: Reduces Ship building construction time to half
Requirements for this Oxford to appear: Need second Oxford building unlocked (which requires you to complete and submit any 12 thesis reports ) and you must have at least 1 of the following skills at Rank 7 or more for this thesis to appear.
Requirements to complete Thesis: Simply build ships its easy
You can equip 5 Oxford skills at once you unlock more by acquiring credits. To unlock the additional slots you must have the required credits saved up and unused on your character this the only way to unlock the slots. The required amounts are below.
1 skill unlocked at start
2 skills at 1000 credits
3 skills at 5000 credits
4 skills at 20000 credits
5 skills at 50000 credits
I've got my 4th slot skill after returning a 300 credits research.
At this moment, there were 14352 credits on me and I've consumed 5850 credits already.
5850 + 14352 = 20202 so I think that total credits earned matter for skill slot unlock.
The Ship Repair Tech 2 thesis that gives the Efficient Ship Construction college skill (50% build time reduction) needs 25 Thesis submissions and r7 in SB, Repair, Fire Fighting. Needs 1000 research pts to complete with each repair providing 5pts and each ship build providing 100 pts.
i have to have 50000 credits on me (not used) in order to get the 5th skill slot open?!?! i thought its accumulative
It's cumulative, tested it just in case with my alt. Got 5th slot unlocked at like 20k on me but with 50k accumulated.
Juicebox comment is incorrect, you do not have to have those unused. Pretty sure you need to advance to almost the end / graduate before you can unlock 5th slot tho.
What are the requeriments to be able to research "Re-evaluating Discoveries -Hidden Values", the oxford skill that hide completed discovey quests?
what does Submissions 6 or even Submissions any number mean. is that how many times you have to do he same one over and over?
Submissions: the total number of ANY completed thesis you turn in. So if it says 5, pick a thesis of choice (one that is fast preferably) and complete it 5 times. After that, the research which said 5 should appear.
However, other conditions may also be required: ONE of the listed skill ranks must be met, and sometimes you must progress through story events to access additional research.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask here, UWO's World Chat (General or Beginners channels are best). You can ask here as well, but you're more likely to get a more immediate and often-times greater in-depth response in UWO.
Cheers, great online voyaging to you.
thank you
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