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92. East India Trade Ship (1492, 6032) 8 Star
Turquoise x 73
Indian Madder x 83
Silver x 72
Indian Madder x 81
Gold x 67
Special order large oar
9* shipwreck in coordinates 6584; 2534
Chapter 1.5 of Lost Memories will add new Shipwreck types including a few new discovery Shipwrecks:
While it isn't been added to any database yet (none that I could find anyway), based off of the comments from the Japanese wiki from their player base, here's some examples:
-Indian Ocean Pirate Ship
-Southeast Asian pirate ship
-New World Pirate Ship
-Mars discovery ship, based off the Swedish warship that sunk in 1564 during the Northern Seven Years' War in the Baltic
-Nuestra Señora de Atocha based off the Spanish treasure galleon that sunk in 1622 off the coast of the Florida Keys
-Nuestra Señora de Encarnación based off the armed Spanish merchant ship that sunk in 1681 at the mouth of the Chagres River in Panama
There could be more, but thats all I could get out of it. Look forward to this even if its several months away, if not a full year before we'll see this.
2* in coords 15.541-3.347 - Madeira Open Sea
Number of chest:2
Chest 1:
13x Gold Dust
Chest 2:
13x Shipwreck Map Pieces
Enemies after open chests
No enemies
3* Mediterranean Sea Trade Ship
Coords: Ligurian Sea - 388-3.048
Number of chests:2
Chest 1:
84x Silver
Enemies 2x Thief Lvl 5
Chest 2:
1x Casting Net -> Improved Turn Speed +1 - +3
No enemies
#1 Ligurian Sea 1*(116,2.988)
2 People enter. Me and my alt
Chest 1:
Me: 58 x Goldwork
Alt: 10 x Goldwork
Enemies: 2 x Tief Lv 5
Chest 2:
Me: 33 x Steel
Alt: 10 x Steel
No enemies
#28 Eastern Mediteranean 5* (1.257-3.465)
2 People. Me and my alt.
2 turns of enemies
1st - 2 Enemies - Lv 19 - 23
2st - 2 Enemies - Lv 5 - 5
-Silver x 66
-Gold x 81
-Pearls x 68
-Shipwreck Map Piece x 3
-Silver x 12
-Gold x 15
-Pearl x 12
Baltic Sea (1.013-1.961)
2 people. Me and my alt.
Chest 1:
Me:13x Crab
Alt:70x Crab
Thief Level 5
Chest 2:
Me:10x Silver
Alt:55x Silver
#11 - 3* - Biscay Bay (16.074 - 2.591)
2 people. Me and my alt.
Chest 1:
Me:15x Whiskey
Alt:80x Whiskey
Chest 2:
Me:10x Amber
Alt:55x Amber
got a 7* SW but the map shows no land or islands just open seas.
having quite a bit of trouble finding this one, anyone have any suggestions?
Maybe this Japanese list could help?
It mentions a number of 'sea-only' maps with 7* wrecks in them. If you change 'Map' to 'Data' then it becomes a table of wrecks with possible contents as well as locations, but I think the Map version may be more useful to you right now. Cheers.
Awesome thanks Guilder i was actually looking for something just like this.
turns out it was just in the north atlantic seas just northwest from azores lol.
i had sailed all the way around the world starting from cape town thinking it was one of the bottom sea tiles of the map XD wasted a good hour or so.
2* - Norwegian Sea - 206-1.965 - In front of Bergen
Chest: 2
6 x Seal of Valkyrie
67 x Gold dust
3* - Black Sea - 1.671-2.827 - Little NE from Kaffa
67 x Silver
67 x Pearl
5* - Gulf of Mexico - 12.109 - 3.951
105 x Shrimp
1 x Telescope
1 x Rope
1 x Scholar's Amulet
4* - Tyrrheanian Sea - 483-3.313
61 x Glasswork
56 x Glasswork
33 x Wax
#28 Eastern Mediteranean 5* (1.203-3.287) - Archaeology r2
2 People. Me and my alt.
2 turns of enemies
1st - 2 Enemies - Lv 19 - 23
2st - 2 Enemies - Lv 5 - 5
-Silver x 12
-Shrimp x 15
-Pearls x 15
-Silver x 69
-Landmark Ribbon x 89
-Pearl x 78
-Shrimp x 85
3* - Baltic Sea - 810 - 2.268
78 x Whiskey
85 x Wine vinegar
9* - Norway Basin 16200:1482
Enemies: Lvl53 x2 and Lvl48 x1
Chests: 5
- 84 Gold
- 86 Coral work
- Saraswati's Touch (MA)
- Custom Tailoring tool x9
- Famous admiral's staff
9* full water 15282,2301 (dublin's latitude)
Northeast Atlantic Ocean
Holy Roman Royal Ship
53, 53, 48
ganesha's protection x4, swmp x10
102 gold
custom tailoring tools x8
64 gold, 9 swmp
71 glasswork
8-Star: Shipbuilding Engineers' Work Ship
Tasman Sea 7547:6817
Master Tailoring Tools x1
Stern Pedro
Master Tailoring Tools x2
Muskets x90
Gold x62
Improved Steel Sheet x2
Ship Engineer's Treasure Chest (Shipwright's Saw was loot)
Holy Roman Royal 9* Argentine Sea Basin 14198-2116. 2xlvl53, 1xlvl48 WARN! get "near" msg in carrib!
Explorer ship of new world 5* 15swmp San Juan 13606 4023 special high explosive
Ghost ship 9* 26SWMP SoCarrib 13476, 4127 64blackore 125amber 106gold 125duamond 79silver Sinner's astrolabe 35MCCT plain treasure chest. Ghosts 45, 23 38
Pioneer ship of NE passage 8* 28SWMP NW Pacific Kamchatka 7000 2440
New Routes ship 7* 28swmp 13720 6505 galileo telescope, Ganesha's protection gold-laced boots
East India trade ship 8* 27swmp San Domingo xx265 4735 npc 53+53+23 med gaff sail.
The Witte Leo Namibia 195-5335 recog R5 garnet ring 22 headmed. NPCs 31-48-53
The Saint Benedict 7* 30mp Cape Agulhas 1462 5955 easy lift no NPC no items
The shipwreck of Aboukir (disco) 4* 29mp R3arch East Med 1350, 3525 easy liftNPC 23+23+23 Elite's Karabela sword, seals
East India trade ship 7* 26mp India S. Coast 3620, 4480 Hi-qual rigging
Swedish Royal Ship 9* 26mp North Norwegian Sea 550, 1250 NPC 48+53+53 treas chest, Athena's tree, Journal of ship surgeon
Excavator's SW 8* 29mp E. Med Sea 1070,3330 NPC 38+41 Escort's Bow velvet
The Bom Jesus (disco) 6* 26mp Madagascar Open Sea 2600 5320 npc 31x3+23 star ruby hair clip
Swedish Royal Ship 9* 27mp all blue > Norway Basin 16090 1295 npc 53+53+48 LCCT SWMP iron helm of secrets
East India trade ship 5* 14mp So. Carribean 13290 4130 no NPCs VoC SWMP
Sunken Privateer Ship 8* 26mp Canary 15490 3925 NPC 53+48+28 chest staysail pink diamonds
So.East Asia Pirate Ship 8* 27mp Java Sea 4995 4890 NPC 48+31+23 med storm sail firearm merch acct bk
The Solenn 8* 29mp RecogR4 Baltic 855 2270 special high expl mag cannon garnet earring
North Sea Trade Ship 3* 12mp Jutland Penin 320 2350
E.Asian Tow Boat 7* 26mp Eastern E. Asian 6210 3030 NPC 53+31+31 chest Masa Hogoromo Lg Junk Sail
Saint Paul 5^ Andaman Sea 4305 4725 NPC 31-23-23 lg ex spanker, star ruby hair ornamt
Saint Raphael 5* 27mp Zanzibar open 1830 4870 NPC 31-23 glass hair ornam, divider, jewel box
N. American research vessel 8* 28mp Baffin Bay 13540 1230 NPC 48-48-31 Fedora hat, dream chaser amulet, MST, CTT
Venetian trade ship 3*9mp Ligurian 70,3060
Suez Ferry 9* 26mp Red Sea 1610 3745 NPC48-48-23 Mogul gun, custom salvage rope, taffeta, damask.
Panama Ferry 8* 26mp W. Carribean 12915,3985. npc 48+48 mogul gun, goddess clock
Pioneer ship of the NE Passage 7* 27mp West Kara Sea 3540, 8385. npc 48+48+31.
LCCT, guide to reserach investigation, set of repair tools
The Gerona 8* 30mp Recog R5 North British Island 16030, 2164. npc 58+48+31
improved salvage rope, star ruby brooch
Gulf Pirate Ship 8* 28mp Gulf of Mexico 12100, 3960. npc 53+48
leader's cutlass, SWMP, code of pirates, traverse rope
N. American Research Vessel 8* 28mp Hudson Bay 12540, 1990 npc 48+48+31
shirt & denim pants, dream-chaser's amulet, CTT, MST
The Mars 7* 30mp RecogR8, Baltic (SW) 820,2190 npc 53+48+31
admiral's ceremonial sword
The Estrela 8* 30mp Recog R3 Gold Coast 16105, 4990 npc 48
garnet ring
Med Sea Royal Ship 5* 7mp Arch R2, Nile central 2nd bend npc 23+19+5
(unknown) 2* 7mp 1205, 3415 just south of Crete E. Med.
The Anne 2* 14mp Ionian Sea 980 3320
S.E. Asia Pirate Ship 8* 30mp Java Sea 4790, 4755 npc 48+31+23 MTT, firearm merchent's account book
E. India Trade Ship 8* 27mp Gulf of Guinea 325, 4610 special high explosives
The Atocha 7* 30mp Recog R9 W. Carribean Sea 12830, 3760 npc 53+31+31 silver-adorned necklace, mogul money-making.
E. India Trade Ship 8* 24mp Buenos Ares Open Sea 14010 6120 npc 53+31+31 alchemist tarot, plain chest
Mediterr Sea Royal Ship 5* 8mp Nile 1466 3760 npc 19+5+5 Asc elixir
E. India Trade Ship 6* 21mp Cape Agulas 1145,6105
Sunken Privateer Ship 6* 18mp Gold Coast 16010 4650 npc 23+23 splendid chest
Russian Royal Ship 9* 28mp Baltic Sea 815 2065 npc 53+53+48 Freyas drink, head meds, journal of ship's surgeon
The Whydah 9* 28mp Recog R6 Cape Cod 13220 2800 npc 53+48+31 western hat, salvager bicorn, swmp, antifoul paint
Cargo Ship of N.E. Passage 8* 26mp Laptev Sea 5425 825 npc 53+48+31 seal sourcery, mogul defence strat, swmp
Spanish Silver Trade Ship 7* 18mp Antilles Open Sea 13180 3990 npc 31+23+23 swmp
Panama Ferry 8* 29mp West Caribean Sea 12905 3985 npc 48+48 black pearl ring, mogul gin
NOTE: shipwrecks give random rewards. Done Panama Ferry twice, same location, same npcs, different loot.
Additional resources:
JP list of wrecks (sea zones, difficulty stars, possible loot) --
Alianore's blog (SW list) -- (incomplete but still very valuable)
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